Beautiful Assassin
two do what I asked?"
    "Yep, all squared away."
    "What did you tell them to do?"
    "None of your concern babe, just go make sure the men are
taking everything, they have to go to your apartment next and pick up your
    "I don't really have much over there, most of my things are
back home in Chicago, maybe I can..."
    "Stuff it killer, you're not going anywhere, I'll hire professionals
to pack up your shit when the smoke clears and your father goes back
    "Fine." She huffed her way into the bedroom grumbling
all the way. 
    "Where're the twins?" 
    "Bringing up the rear, they're still pissed that she got past
them to do Foster, they're trying to figure it out."
    "Get them in here, they'll never figure that shit out and
trying to figure her out could take a lifetime, shit I was asleep next to her
and didn't hear a thing."
    "I heard that mob boy, just you wait."
    "Oh shit Shane, you better watch it, I don't fancy having to
unpin your ass from a wall, that shit is ghastly, speaking of which,
here." Anthony threw an envelope at me.
    Inside were pictures of James, pinned to a wall by his fucking
neck, eyes and mouth opened as if in surprise. She'd nailed him dead center of
his throat.
    "What's in those fucking things that they can hold a grown
man up like that?"
    "That's just it, I think that shit is heavier than she is, I
don't know how she does it, but I heard the guys talking and it takes some
serious skill to do this shit."
    "I can teach you Mikey." She sauntered back into the
room with a backpack over her shoulder.
    "You're not teaching anyone anything, we're going to swing by
the craft store and get you some yarn so you can learn to make booties, what's
in the bag?" The two fucks started laughing.
    "Quit fucking around Mouth, what you got, I don't recall ever
seeing that bag before." I pulled it off her shoulder and out of her
    "Holy shit Arianna, what the fuck?" I turned the bag so
Michael and Anthony could see the contents just as Zane and Alec came in. I'd
left the door open since the place would be crawling with my men all day with
this moving shit and we'd pretty much taken care of the enemy quota for at
least another couple days.
    "That's an assassin's cache boss."
    "You think Alec?" I passed the bag off to him and turned
to the terror that was mine.
    "You give that back."
    "What do you need it for, huh?" I made a point of eyeing
her stomach when I said it to drive the point home.
    "Hey kids what's going on? Ari I hear you nailed another
    Her father and uncle along with my Poppy came through the door;
maybe I should rethink this open door shit.
    "Hey dad, don't talk about it, it makes Leonidas over here
    "Yeah you know, the Spartan king, fought with the three
hundred against Xerxes of Persia."
    "Kid where do you come up with this shit?" 
    "I'm a genius uncle Al, didn't you know?"
    She grinned at the two men like we weren't just discussing her
little bag of destruction.
    "So you're moving to the estate, that's good, it'll be harder
for the enemy to get to you there."
    "Thanks for the update Poppy, anything new on your end?"
    "Let's go talk in private, you don't mind do you
Archer?" He laughed his old ass off at that, fucking archer. 
    "Man news travels fast, you three been gossiping again? Dad
where've you been, what's going on back home? Stalin over here won't tell me
    "And he's not gonna tell you anything either, you're out of
it, done." I turned and headed to my office followed by the three meddling
fucks, who knows what they had up their sleeves this time, it was always
something with them, between them and Mouth I don't know how I have time for
anything else. 
    "Okay let's have it."
    "What little Shane, it's nothing, we just wanted to have a
little chat that's all."
    "Okay so spill it."
    "Well, we all agree that you're just the man to tame the
Archer, but...."
    "Wait Poppy, you knew about this shit?" He didn't have
to answer; the guilty

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