Beautiful Assassin
he would've let what you did to him in the
club go? He would've always been plotting against you..."
    "Wait a minute, you killed him because of me?"
    "Well duh."
    "Mouth, I'm not your father, you don't have to kill to protect
me, I've been protecting me for a long mother fucking time, it's my job to
protect you, and now this little one, what is it with you, why can't you get
    "I'm trying, besides you just killed fingers."
    "Yeah mouth, that's what I do, what I'm trying to stop doing,
getting out of the life so we can have one. I don't think you kill for the
reasons you gave me, I think you're just a killer, plain and simple, like it's
in your DNA, fuck...she's gonna train my kid to do this shit." Yes I'm
laying it on strong; it's the only way to get through to mouth.
    "I will not, you really think so?"
    "I don't think you can help it, poor kid. It's kinda sad
really, I had all these hopes and dreams for our off spring."
    "Yeah, like what?"
    "Oh I don't know, like maybe our sons and daughters
could run the legitimate businesses that I've been grooming, not just the club
but the restaurants and the art gallery, stuff like that, whatever they wanted
to do, as long as it was legit. They'd play soccer and be in the school plays
and maybe we'd get a little ballerina out of the bunch. We'd give them the best
childhood ever, full of love while spoiling them rotten."
    "I'd like that, I didn't have that, that sounds good, well
dad and uncle Al and my aunt tried to spoil me, but there was too much of the
other for it to be a really great childhood."
    "Well, I guess we can always watch Sophie and Anna's kids
have that kind of childhood...." 
    "What, why?"
    "Well, if we're going to carry on with this mob shit..."
    "No, no we're not either. I want our little ballerina."


Chapter 13

    The Assassin

    Mob boy has lost his damn mind, he actually ordered these guys to
come and pack us up. 
    No sooner had the dead goon's carcass been dragged away than these
beef necked hoods, (I know a hood when I see one) were at the door with boxes
and scowls that would scare small children.
    "Mrs. Flanagan...."
    "Come on in guys." He answered from behind me before I
could correct the man's assumption that I was the little wife.
    I heard a whispered 'is that her' before the three men turned and
looked at me before being hustled off by the Don.
    "What have you been telling these people about me?"
    "Uh Mouth, we're not known for bow and arrows around these
parts, two in quick succession and obviously by the same hand will bring
speculation and being in our line of business, we have to keep up on the latest
news if you know what I mean, so if you didn't want people knowing you as the
Archer, you should've kept your ass in the house."
    "Aren't you afraid I'll pin you to the wall next, seeing as
how you're always in my face?"
    "Mouth, you just iced a guy because you 'thought' he was a
threat to me, I think I'm pretty safe."
    I squinted my eyes at him, "I'm not sure about this
relationship shit, if the other person knows you so well they might start to
take advantage." I started mumbling under my breath, I was gonna have to
figure this crap out, no way was I gonna let mob boy get the drop on me. 
    "Come here mouth, I read up on this shit and you're not
supposed to become hormonal for at least another few months, so please, your
special brand of crazy is enough to deal with don't add anything else just yet,
let's get moved in and settled. ..."
    "I don't see why we have to move it doesn't make
    "Because I say so, that's why."

    Prince of The City

    I should've known better yes, but where's the fun in that? I
fielded the little paperweight that came at my head just as the sisters in law
were coming through the door.
    Michael the ass started grinning while Anthony tried to keep a
straight face.
    "Hey Archer, trying out for a new sport, the shot puck
maybe?" Oh he thought that was funny, jackass.

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