Beautiful Assassin
flush on his face said it all.
    "Never mind, carry on." I held the bridge of my nose
between my thumb and forefinger where I could feel a headache coming on.
    "Well, as I was saying, we think just cutting her off cold
turkey might not be the way to go, you see, you have to wean her off these
things, little by little, it's like you, you can't just go legit, you have to
maneuver things around and set things up just right before that can happen,
just as with her...."
    "Poppy what bullshit, it's only the business part of things
that takes time, but I can keep myself from going out and offing a motherfucker
if I choose to."
    "Yeah, then why do you have guys in Chicago right now?"
    "Because those fucks back there are a threat to my wife and
besides if I don't do it, she will and I'd be damned if I let that
    "Son, you're forgetting one thing."
    "And what's that Rossi?"
    "She's not yours yet."
    "Are you fucking kidding me, she's all mine, has been from
the moment we met and last night we confirmed that she's with child so tell me
again how she's not my wife."
    "You hear that Al, we'll soon have another one, a little Ari
running around, maybe we can..."
    "No, you can't, whatever it is you're thinking you can forget
it, you're not turning my kid into a fucking killing machine."
    "Son you sound like you resent her for..."
    "Not her, you, I resent the fuck out of you two for putting
her in this position, for making her believe that this was the only way, now I
have to clean up your fucking mess, a fucking nineteen year old girl just iced
three people in less than a week, that I know of, as for your bullshit poppy,
you can't tame a lion after he's tasted human blood, you have to cut the
motherfucker's head off one time..."
    "What the fuck Flanagan you talking about killing my
    "No you ass, I'm saying you have to cut her off one time,
there's no weaning her, we're not talking about breaking someone of a bad
habit, we're talking about a fucking killing machine that needs to be stopped.
What's she gonna do, strap my kid onto her back and go out hunting? You two
have no idea of what you spawned do you? Do you even understand what she is?
She's stone cold, even I have a give a fuck meter, I think things through,
weigh the options, try to find redeeming qualities at least before I off
someone, not Mouth. She perceives a threat, she eliminates can you imagine some
other kid fucking with ours?   Let's
say the kids are into sports and some kid tackles Shane junior on the field,
Mouth would straight up off him and probably do the parents too."
    "Don't you think that's a bit of an exaggeration?"
    "Fuck you Alphonso, you know damn well it isn't, she's locked
into her fucking head, all kidding aside, I play it easy with her, but I can
see what not even she sees, she's locked into her fucking head and I have to
find the key. I have some ideas, but you three fucks stay out of it...."
    "What do you mean locked into her head?"
    "I mean that something happened in her childhood that set the
precedent for all this, somehow she's gotten it into her head that killing is
her only chance at survival, it's them or her, she perceives a threat, she
removes that threat. Permanently. Now unless you know what the fuck that is,
I'll thank you three to leave me to deal with my woman how I see fit."
    "Boy you sure do have balls I'll give you that."
    "Rossi, if you weren't her father I would've already capped
your ass."
    Why that should make the three yentas howl with laughter was
beyond me, but then again I was surrounded by crazy ass people, I should get
used to it. Speaking of which I better go see what the mouthy one was up to.


Chapter 14

    "Mouth what the fuck are you watching, oh hell no, turn that
shit off you do not need any ideas."
    "Touch it and die Luciano, you feeling lucky?"
    Fuck now she's dirty Harry; I ignored her ass and turned the TV
off, she did not need to be watching the Godfather, I think she was spoon fed

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