
Free Obsession by Ivory Quinn

Book: Obsession by Ivory Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ivory Quinn
Tags: Romance
“We could try for some of that gentleness you told me you’re capable of.”
    “I’m not ready for that yet.” Something haunted rolled beneath his gaze as he looked up at her. “Don’t ask me to be that naked with you.”
    “Okay.” He was the damaged one. She wasn’t going to push him any more than he was going to push her. “Where is your gym? I never saw it when we were in the music room , but you came from that direction.”
    “That’s because I don’t show it to outsiders until I know they’re not going to run screaming and that they have a safe word.” He gave her a twisted grin, his teeth flashing white in the light from the city below them.
    “People would run screaming from a gym?” She repeated cluelessly and he burst out laughing.
    “It’s not all gym equipment in there.” He explained when she looked even more confused. “ When I said I wanted to tie you up, I didn’t mean I would necessarily be doing it in here. I have some...equipment.”
    “Oh.” Her breath hitched as she tried to imagine what sort of equipment you’d need to tie someone up. She hadn’t thought further than the ropes. “I guess I should probably take a look at it then.”
    “Kitten, you aren’t stepping over the threshold of that room unless you’re ready to play.” He warned her, his voice full of amusement. “I don’t know if you’re ready for it. You haven’t even chosen a safe word yet.”
    “Cabbage?” She suggested and he burst out laughing again.
    “You can’t be serious?” He laughed. “Cabbage? Really?”
    “Well it’s not like I’d yell it out by accident, is it?” She shrugged, pleased to see him smiling.
    “Well no, but I’m not sure I could take it seriously.” He was still chuckling and she nodded.
    “Exactly my point. You’d be laughing too hard to carry on doing whatever it was you were doing when I had to shout it.”
    “Good point.” He shook his head as though he couldn’t believe he was agreeing with her. “Cabbage it is.”
    “Will you show me? In the morning?”
    “I thought you wanted to go out tomorrow?” He reminded her. “Christmas is only a couple of days away.”
    “We don’t have to play.” She pointed out. “I could just stick my head through the door and have a quick peek. You don’t even have to be there. You could wait in the kitchen.”
    “I don’t know...” He wavered
    “Please Gabriel.” She leaned over, setting her head on his chest. “I’m curious.”
    “You know what they say about curiosity.” He replied automatically and she sighed.
    “I know. But I’m going to see it sometime. Come on.”
    “Noelle, if I take you into that room, we aren’t coming out until I have thoroughly fucked every inch of your body. I am going to own you. Absolutely.”
    There was a long silence. “I did say you could wait in the kitchen.”
    It was a long time before he stopped laughing enough to go to settle.
    The next morning she found him in the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee. She hadn’t even heard him get up but, as usual, he’d left her coffee on the bedside table and run her a bath. “Morning.” She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. “Did you sleep well?”
    “Not so much.” He lifted an arm to hug her back. “You?”
    “Like a log. I think yours must be the most comfortable bed on the planet. Why didn’t you sleep well?”
    Because he’d been lying awake all night thinking about having her in his playroom. His dick hadn’t shown any signs of going soft for almost seven hours. “Come with me.” He said softly, setting his coffee mug down on the breakfast bar. Taking her hand, he led her towards the music room.
    “We’re going to see the gym?” She was surprised. She hadn’t expected him to show her after his response last night. Then she smiled. “You aren’t going to wait in the kitchen?”
    “No kitten. I’m not.” His voice was deep and rumbling, like distant thunder, and it rippled all

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