Center of Gravity (Marauders Book 3)

Free Center of Gravity (Marauders Book 3) by Lina Andersson

Book: Center of Gravity (Marauders Book 3) by Lina Andersson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lina Andersson
even if there’s a girl there.”
    “Club work,” he said, and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “None of your business.”
    Eliza was a lot like him. Not really thinking about things, a lot of energy, a brain that was all over the place going a thousand miles an hour, but with that lovely dash of teenage girl hormones. She’d been a monster for a while, but the last year she’d calmed down. Mitch found it hard to think about the fact that she was fourteen. He’d gone after more than one fourteen-year-old. It had been a while since then, and he hadn’t been much older than fourteen when he did it. Which didn’t change the fact that it was quite possible that someone, at that very moment, was planning on how to get into his baby sister’s panties. That was some disturbing shit.
    Soon enough, the noise and all the people got to him, and he sneaked outside for a smoke. When the door opened behind him, he assumed it was Mac, but it wasn’t. It was Lisa.
    “Give me your phone,” she said. He didn’t know what it was about, but he gave it to her. She pushed some buttons and then nailed him down with her eyes. “You have to be so fucking careful—I kid you not! Super careful, she’s… Careful!”
    She’d given him Anna’s number! Things where looking up.
    “I get it.”
    “And really pay attention to her reactions and… Fuck! Just, really careful, okay?”
    “Okay?” He didn’t fully get that but didn’t get the chance to ask her, since she just kept up with her ramblings.
    “And if you make her fall madly in love with you, or say anything she can think means—”
    “I get it!” he exclaimed, but Lisa wasn’t done.
    “—I’ll rip your balls off.”
    “Lisa. I get it.”
    He took the phone and saw that Lisa’d programmed Anna as ‘Anna Dobronravov’. He was a bit impressed Lisa hadn’t just remembered her last name, but also knew how to spell it—assuming it was spelled correctly. He stared at the name for a while.
    “So who is she?” his dad asked when he came outside a few minutes later.
    “Only time you have a smile like that is when you’ve got fresh booty in sight.”
    “Maybe.” He looked at his dad and decided to go inside to give her a call. “Dinner tomorrow?”
    “Always welcome, son. You know that.” He was about to go back inside when he turned around. “Any idea how someone got ahold of your user name?”
    “No, but it’s not hard to guess, and no alarms go off until someone tries to log on with a username that’s correct.”
    “So you didn’t give it to some booty?”
    “Dad, I don’t need to give girls inside info to get a blow job.”
    “Shouldn’t you be trying to figure who hacked our system?”
    “Okay, they didn’t hack our system, they tried, and I am tracking them.”
    “While you’re here?”
    “Do you want me to describe exactly how I’m doing it, or are you gonna take my word for it?”
    “Smart ass,” Brick said and gave him a hug. “See you tomorrow.”
    Mitch went through the house, said bye to everyone, and then stopped once he was out at to the driveway. He pressed ‘dial.’
    “Hi, it’s Mitch. Lisa gave me your number.”
    “Oh! I didn’t think...” There was a long silence. “Hi.”
    “Wanna go out for a beer?”
    “A beer?”
    He was starting to wonder exactly what Lisa’d said to Anna because she sounded extremely confused. And something else, too, he just couldn’t put his finger on it at the moment.
    “Yeah, thought I’d pick you up with my bike.”
    “I don’t think I can go on a bike.”
    “Nothing to it. I’ll teach you.”
    “No, more that I’m not sure how to bring the cane.”
    “Shit. Didn’t think about that.” He wasn’t sure what to suggest instead, and he was still wondering why she sounded like… a deer in headlights, whatever those sounded like.
    “You could just come here. I have beer and wine, but I’m guessing you don’t drink wine. Probably

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