Never to Keep (Accepting Fate #1)

Free Never to Keep (Accepting Fate #1) by Aimie Grey

Book: Never to Keep (Accepting Fate #1) by Aimie Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aimie Grey
want to react to him. I wanted to push him away, but my hands had a mind of their own and found their way to his hair to pull him closer. He let out a small groan when our tongues met and his hands found my breasts, heavy with need. I barely stifled a moan when he pulled down the bodice of my sundress and sucked the tip of my breast into his warm mouth.
    “I can’t get you out of my head,” he said as he switched sides. “I need to have you one more time to get you out of my system.” His mouth returned to my breast, and his hands raised the hem of my skirt. I wanted to protest. I didn’t want to be used like that, particularly not in the janitor’s closet of my former elementary school.
    Another one-night stand with this man was the last thing I needed, especially now that he was Peyton’s teacher. My complaint died on my lips when his hand found my core.
    “You’re so wet for me,” he said before he took my lips again.
    My brain stopped working properly as my body took complete control. A subconscious niggle tried to tell me to stop, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember why I should. My body wanted him, and it wasn’t going to take no for an answer. The memory of how he felt inside of me left me defenseless as he ripped the panties from my body.
    Within seconds, I was suspended against the door with my skirt hiked up to my waist. My legs automatically wrapped around him. I tried once again to say no, but my lips refused to cooperate. I looked between us to watch him push his cock inside my body. I released a pent-up breath and let my eyes close as he filled me completely.
    “Look at me,” he commanded on a sharp thrust of his hips. I complied with his visceral request immediately. The look of heated possession in his eyes alone nearly brought me to climax. “Want your eyes on me when you come, so there’s no doubt that I am the man inside of you, making you feel this way.” He panted while slamming into me repeatedly. My body still craved him just as much as it had when he said similar words to me almost a year ago. I wanted to push him away. I wanted to show him that he couldn’t use me whenever he felt like it, but I didn’t have the willpower to do it.
    His hand moved to the place where we joined together and set me off with a flick of his index finger. I convulsed around his hard length and fought to keep my eyes trained on his. When I couldn’t take it any longer, I leaned forward and bit his shoulder through his shirt to keep from screaming. He followed me over the edge with a final, powerful thrust.
    My mental faculties returned as he slid out of me and carefully set me on my feet. His words came rushing back. He was screwing me out of his system—and I let him do it. I let a complete asshole fuck me like a whore. Shit. I’d let an engaged man fuck me in a dank closet.
    I arranged my dress as quickly as I could and pulled open the door.
    “The name’s Sawyer,” he said.
    This time when I left, he didn’t stop me. I went to find Peyton, deliberately ignoring the thick, warm fluid running down the inside of my thighs.

    Sleep eluded me. For months, I’d seen Madison’s face when I closed my eyes at night, but tonight was different. Instead of looking rumpled and sated, she was hurt and disappointed. I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to rid my mind of the unbearable picture.
    I headed for the kitchen on a mission to find the bottle of twenty-six-year-old bourbon Marina had given me in honor of my twenty-sixth birthday. Although the expensive amber liquid was meant to be savored, I threw my head back and chugged from the bottle. The mental image of the horrified expression on my sister’s face, if she were to see what I was doing with her gift, made me chuckle.
    My mind was still racing after a third of the bottle was gone. I needed to hear Madison’s voice to make sure she was okay. Fumbling through my messenger bag, I pulled out the class roster and then dialed the

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