blush (Westbrook Series)

Free blush (Westbrook Series) by Mitzi Vaughn

Book: blush (Westbrook Series) by Mitzi Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mitzi Vaughn
accented with pearlescent beads adorned the furniture.
    "Tell me all about your date."  Missy
perked up her head and waited for some juicy details.
    "It was magical.  It was with this psychiatrist
I have been doing some volunteer work with at a local mission.  He is so
    "And what does the intelligent doctor and hero
look like?"
    "He's tall and has the most beautiful salt and
pepper gray hair.  He is very distinguished."
    "Wow!  I am happy for you Chloe.  You deserve
to be happy." 
    "Alright, enough about my love life.  How are
you and the boss man?"
    "Chloe, he is wonderful.  I feel like I am in a
    "Well I have never seen you happier.  Just tell
him if he hurts you, he has to answer to me!"
    Missy laughed hysterically at the thought of her
tiny friend trying to take on Brandon.  Chloe rolled her eyes and laughed,
"Hey, it's not that funny.  I am a black belt you know."
    "I know, I know.  You're a total badass."
    Chloe rose, "And on that note, I'm headed back
to the grind stone.  My boss is a tyrant."  Chloe threw her head back and
laughed as she walked out of the room.
    Missy sat back at her desk and started researching
the assignment her creative team was working on.  She knew of the snack food
company.  She had eaten their chips since she was young, but they had taken on
a new energy drink and wanted to promote it.  She couldn't wait to dive right
in.  Her team had given her a welcome back celebration.  They filled her in on
what the company wanted to achieve and the ideas each of them had concocted. 
    "Alright, am I going to have to drag you to
lunch?"  Brandon popped his head into her office.  I have been in meetings
all morning with human resources and I'm starving."
    "Me too.  Just let me finish the last of these
    "Meet me in my office in ten.  I have a call to
make and then I will be ready."
    Missy opened Brandon's office door and caught the
tail end of his conversation.  He was talking to the Westbrook Advertising
legal team leader.
    "Is everything okay?"
    "Yes.  I will fill you in on everything over
lunch."  Brandon slipped his suit jacket off of the chair and over his
muscular arms.  He looked incredible in the custom tailored black suit with
subtle pinstripes.  Under the jacket he wore a pale gray shirt with a black and
gray striped tie. 
    He caught her staring and began posing and flexing
as he finished putting on and buttoning the jacket. 
    Trying hard not to giggle, she asked, "Is the bistro
across the street okay?  I want to get back and go over the notes I have
written with Chloe so she can start getting together her web promotion for the
energy drink project."
    "Sure.  That sounds great.  I just have
something to discuss with you and I would rather not do it here."
    They walked across the street to the popular
bistro.  It was normally very busy, but since it was well past the time the
normal lunch rush hit, they had some privacy.  Brandon chose a cozy booth in
the back of the restaurant and let Missy sit down.  Instead of sitting in the
booth across from her, he chose to slide in beside her.
    "So what's going on?"  Missy quizzed
musing over the menu choices.
    "Human resources wants us to go down and sign
some paperwork.  The legal team is putting it together now.  They know we are
dating and want to make sure all of the correct forms are in place."
    Missy looked up a bit concerned.  "What does
the paperwork say?" 
    "Just that you and I are two willing adults and
we are in a relationship outside of the office. Yada, yada, yada.  Basically
just to protect the company from any future law suits." 
    "Oh!  Okay no problem."
    "That's what I told them.  It won't be long and
I will be changing your name to Westbrook anyway."
    "Watch out now!  You don't want it getting
around that New York's sexiest bachelor is off of the market.  Women all over
town will retreat into their homes and weep."  Missy rubbed his thigh
under the table.

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