Plastic Hearts

Free Plastic Hearts by Lisa de Jong

Book: Plastic Hearts by Lisa de Jong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa de Jong
I left his building and made the trek back to my dorm.
     I cursed Jade for leaving me at the bar alone as soon as I walked into the room. Of course she reminded me that she had asked and that I had given her the okay. She had the biggest grin on her face when I told her how I found myself waking up in Dane’s bed. From the look on her face, she thought something happened between Dane and I, which was far from the truth. I quickly corrected her, but the sly look never left her face. I loved Jade, but I didn’t think she realized how different we were.


    I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Dane when Monday rolled around. Okay, maybe there was a small part of me that was looking forward to seeing him. He was the only person I had ever met that could excite me and frustrate me at the same time. I arrived before he did and waited for him to make his grand entrance. With Dane, everything was a grand entrance.
    When he walked in wearing faded jeans that sat low on his hips and a charcoal grey Henley, my mouth may have dropped open just a bit. His eyes met mine and he smiled, showing me his signature dimple. “Good morning. I thought you should know that it kind of sucked not waking up with you in my bed this morning.” I looked around to make sure no one else had heard him. I didn’t need the rumor mill kicked into high gear.
    “Well, you are going to have many sucky mornings then,” I said, smirking as I pulled a notebook out of my bag.
    “No, Gorgeous, I think you’re wrong. I think my luck is about to change.” He winked. He seriously just winked at me and I felt the elusive butterflies fluttering in my stomach. The thought of spending more time with him excited me, but it couldn’t happen. I wasn’t a fan of trying something when I knew it was destined to fail.
    “Do you ever leave your arrogance at home or does it follow you wherever you go?” He laughed before leaning in so we were only inches apart.
    “This isn’t arrogance, I’m just honest and soon enough you’ll be honest with yourself and admit that you want me as much as I want you.”
     “You’re not my type,” I muttered, looking up into his eyes. He ran his hand through his short hair as he studied me with so much intensity I feared he could see right through me.
    “Okay, why don’t you give me a chance before you draw any conclusions? Go out with me on Thursday night. There’s a DJ playing at the club that I’ve heard is really good. And we already know that we move pretty well together.” He sat back in his chair, studying me intently. If he looked at me like that for too long, I was going to lose my resolve.
    “Not going to happen.” I moved my eyes to my desk, tracing the faux wood marks with my finger before looking back up.
    “Just one date and if you don’t have a good time, we don’t have to go out again. But give me one night.” I made the mistake of looking into his eyes then; they were pleading with me to say yes and I couldn’t look away this time.
    What did I have to lose by going out with him for one night? It might turn into a complete mess, but after that he would leave me alone, or so I hoped. “Fine, I’ll go with you on Thursday, but if you try anything, it’s over. I mean it, Dane.”
    “Whatever you say, Gorgeous, whatever you say.”
    The lecture finally began. Every time I glanced at Dane, he had one side of his mouth turned up. I had to admit I felt a bit of excitement at the prospect of going out with Dane. At the very least, I would have a great dance partner for one night.
    I decided not to avoid the student center at lunchtime and joined Jade at our usual table. I had been trying to stay away to avoid another run in with Dane, but that didn’t seem necessary anymore. Jade looked up at me with her signature, teeth bearing smile as I took the seat beside her. “Decided to face the music today, did you? I guess since you spent the night at his apartment on Friday, you have nothing more to

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