Guys on Top

Free Guys on Top by Darien Cox

Book: Guys on Top by Darien Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darien Cox
Tags: M/M romance

    Letting his mouth slide over Stewart’s chin, he moved down and sucked on his neck, letting his teeth scrape along the skin. Stewart made a sound low in his throat, his chest rising and falling as his breathing became heavier. Doug kept moving lower, trailing his tongue over that strong white chest, then down to his stomach, nipping at his ribs. Stewart’s hips thrust upward, and Doug slid over so he could cup his groin, rubbing him through his jeans.
    “Aw fuck,” Stewart huffed, his fingers threading through Doug’s hair, gripping a handful. “I think we’ve been in foreplay mode all night, I’m ready to burst already.”
    “Then we better get you out of these jeans,” Doug said, popping the button and dragging down his zipper. Stewart wore red and white striped boxers underneath, and Doug ran his hand over the thick swell of his cock beneath the cotton. 
    Stewart stopped Doug’s hand. “Wait.”
    Doug looked up, his body pulsing with need. “Please tell me you’re not about to change your mind,” he said hoarsely.
    Stewart looked down at him with flushed cheeks. He laughed as he sat up. “No. I’m not about to change my mind. I’m just impatient. I want you naked, so drop ’em.”
    He climbed over and stood beside the bed, kicking his shoes off. Doug followed suit and got up, pulling off his boots, then unbuttoning his jeans. 
    On either side of the bed, their eyes locked as they both stripped down to nothing. Stewart’s body was solid and all male, a trail of hair snaking down below his navel into his pubic hair, thick, uncut cock red and swollen, pointing at Doug. His legs were long and pale with dark hair dusting his muscled quads.
    Doug’s ex Harry had been lean and chiseled, and had acted like it was the end of the world if he gained a pound, recoiling at sweets as though they were poison. Stewart on the other hand had weight on him, and while he wasn’t fat by any means, Doug doubted he fretted over an extra cupcake now and then, his upper body thick but well proportioned. Doug’s arousal skyrocketed and he climbed back onto the bed, beckoning Stewart with his hand.
    Stewart dove onto the bed and dragged Doug down so they lay on their sides, immediately cupping his ass and pulling him close. They kissed like that for ages, hands roaming, mouths locked together, exploring, tasting. Doug rolled on top of Stewart for a while, their hips moving in rhythm, erections growing slippery as they strived for contact.
    Then Stewart flipped Doug over and pinned his arms over his head, finding that perfect alignment with their dicks rubbing together, creating a friction that threatened to push Doug over the edge.
    Just when he thought he’d come, Stewart rolled over again and pulled Doug on top of him, their legs scissored as they kissed open mouthed, the taste of him like a trigger igniting Doug’s arousal, making the head of his cock weep. Hot skin gliding, hips bucking against each other, they nearly brought themselves to climax again, but Stewart pulled back before it could happen.
    Again they switched positions, Stewart flipping Doug onto his back, pressing his full weight down onto him.
    Doug had never rolled around with someone so close to his own size before, had always been the larger, stronger lover, but Stewart was slightly bigger than he was, and his weight, his solid limbs, the full, thick armful of his body was driving Doug nuts, and he moaned against his lips.
    “Oh, Christ,” Stewart gasped. He shifted to his side, strong arms pulling Doug to face him, and he reached down and took Doug’s cock in his warm hand, stroking him hard and slow.
    Doug moaned again, his eyelids fluttering as sharp pleasure made his balls tighten.
    “That noise you’re making’s gonna push me over,” Stewart said, his breath against Doug’s lips. “Touch me, Doug.”
    The sound of the other man saying his name caused a shudder low in his belly, and Doug quickly grasped Stewart’s cock and fondled

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