The Professor's Student

Free The Professor's Student by Helen Cooper

Book: The Professor's Student by Helen Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Cooper
and I don’t want to deal with a guy like that.”
    He sighed and cursed. “I don’t want you to be scared of me Abby. I do get jealous when I think my girl is seeing someone else. It’s because of my ex. She cheated on me and now it’s hard for me to trust other women.”
    “I understand that Carson.” Abby bit her lip. “But I’m not really your girl. And I certainly wasn’t that first night. We had just met.”
    “It’s irrational and I’m working on it.” He got his mail and they walked into the house. “Just give me a chance ok?”
    “What the fuck?” Carson stood there in fear with a letter and photo in his hand. “What the fuck?”
    “What is it?” Abby walked over to Carson to see what had him so angry. What she saw made her blood curdle. The photo was of her on the couch sucking Carson’s cock and of his mouth in her pussy. Her breasts were hanging out and jiggling and his hands were on them squeezing her nipples. Abby gasped and read the note that Carson passed her:
    Abby’s mouth fell open as she read the words. It occurred to Abby that there was only one person who could have sent the note and taken the photo.
    “I think I know who sent this Carson.” Abby grimaced.
    “You do?” He looked at her with narrow eyes. “Is this some way for you to blackmail me into ensuring you win the $50,000 prize Abby?”
    “No.” Abby looked at him hurt. “How can you think that?”
    “Sorry,” he reached for her and she backed away from him. “Who do you think did this?”
    “Chad.” Abby spat out. “When I saw him yesterday he made a comment to me, something about sleeping with you to get the $50,000. Just like the note.”
    “Hmm.” Carson looked at her and thought for a moment. “I don’t know if Chad is capable of this.”
    “He was there last night as well Carson. Maybe he knew his dad was meeting with you and figured it out.”
    “Maybe.” Carson clenched his fist. “I’ll fail his ass, if he is behind this.”
    “If you don’t get fired Carson. His dad is a dean, all he has to do is report you and you are done.” Abby looked at him fearfully. “What are we going to do?”
    “I’m not going to get fired.” Carson laughed bitterly. “Dean Jones knows better than that.”
    “I don’t want to get suspended or lose my scholarship Carson.” Abby paused before she went on. “Maybe I should go home now and we can quit this now.”
    “No.” Carson looked at her in anger. “I will not be blackmailed and you will not leave. Invite Essie and Chad over today instead of tomorrow. Let’s have a dinner party.”
    “But I thought we wanted them over under the guise of your study help.”
    “Forget that. Invite them over for dinner and board games.”
    “Ok.” Abby didn’t know what Carson was up to. She knew Essie wouldn’t care but wasn’t this playing right into Chad’s hands. “If you are sure.”
    “Yes. I’m sure.” He smiled at her; it was a weird twisted smile. “Let’s get to the bottom of this once and for all.”

Chapter 11
    Abby watched Carson as he cooked. She had nerves in her stomach but he seemed to be as carefree as ever. He was singing along with the radio as he cooked and she laughed at his off-key tone.
    “Heaven, I’m in heaven and my hearts beats…” He sang in a gruff voice. He danced over to her and pulled her off of the chair. “Dance with me Abby.” He glided her across the room and she laughed as they danced around the room. “…When we’re out together cheek to cheek.”
    Abby sang along, “Yes heaven, I’m in heaven…” His mouth on hers cut off her words and she allowed her body to melt into hers. She felt so deliriously happy in those few minutes. She couldn’t believe that there had

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