Love & Hate (Book One: Hate)

Free Love & Hate (Book One: Hate) by JJ Dorn

Book: Love & Hate (Book One: Hate) by JJ Dorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Dorn
mine. My whole body instantly goes up in flames. My hands come up to the back of his neck pulling him closer to me. He grabs me by my hips and in one quick movement he lifts me up so I am sitting perched on the desk. I let out a little moan and he pushes his way in between my thighs still kissing me feverishly.
    I feel him pull back and he takes a deep breath. “We need to slow down Princess.” He tells me in a husky tone.
    The minute he calls me Princess I feel myself recoil and shut down. I push back from him and slide down of the desk. I hate that name. Cooper, his stupid brother, had named me Piggy Princess torture me. Hearing Cutter call me Princess brought back a flood of painful memories and all the tears that would inevitably follow. I start to feel very insecure and I suddenly feel uncomfortable having Cutter in my room.
    Cutter notices the change in my mood. “What’s wrong Paige?” What do I do here? Do I tell him how much that name bothers me or do I just try to get over it?
    “ Why are you doing this Cutter?” I ask him deflecting his question.
    He has been looking at the ground with his hands in his hair but when I ask that question his head snaps up and he stares at me intensely. “Doing what Paige?” He is confused and bit angry. My mind is flying at the possibilities of what is truly going on here.
    “ Why are you doing this?” I ask again and this time motion between him and me. He doesn’t respond so I continue. “Is this some sick joke? Did Cooper put you up to this just to torture me?” Well, screw that I am not going to fall for their little game.
    “ Paige, what are you exactly accusing me of here?” Cutter asks me pointedly with a flash of anger in his voice.
    “ I am not accusing you. I am straight up asking you if this is some horrible game you are playing.” I say while staring daggers at him.
    “ You think this is all a joke?” He asks in disbelief.
    “ Well I wouldn’t put it past you. I mean you have been less than nice to me.”
    “ Is that what you think?” He is full on angry now.
    “ Yes, that is what I think!” I spit back at him.
    “ You know nothing.” He yells back and stalks toward me. I begin scrambling backwards until I feel the wall hit my back. He gets inches from my face. Shit, shit, shit I have no place to go!
    “ I don’t play games, Paige. You best understand that now.” He says coolly and stalks off toward the door. He flings it open and slams it shut as he exited. I stay against the wall stunned. What that heck does that mean? Did I just royally screw up or did I just save myself from the biggest heartbreak of all time?

    After Cutter leaves I immediately called Tess. She reassures me that I have done the right thing in questioning his motives. She tells me to be strong and not give in and call him. This is hard, because I wanted to call him the minute he stormed out of my room. However, something in my gut tells me not to. I have this nagging feeling I am missing something when it comes to Cutter and I. So I stick to my guns and I don’t call him. And much to my dismay he doesn’t call me either.
    It has now been two weeks since I last saw him and I feel awful. I am irritable all the time and just down right cranky. I know Cutter’s absence is the reason for my foul mood, which is stupid because it wasn’t like we had a real relationship to begin with. This is not a breakup, we weren’t even together. I need to just snap out of it and fast.
    It is Monday, my least favorite day of the week for many reasons but mostly because I have economics class at the butt-crack of dawn. I am already running a few minutes late for class when I hear my name being shouted from across campus. I look around surprised anyone I know would even be up this early. A few feet ahead of me I spot Tanner waving his hands as he comes toward me.
    “ Hey Paige! What are you doing up so early?” He asks shocked at my early birdness.
    “ Oh I have a

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