Roses of Winter

Free Roses of Winter by Murdo Morrison

Book: Roses of Winter by Murdo Morrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Murdo Morrison
introducing himself as Jean Langlois. “Welcome to Dunkirk,” he said ironically, one eyebrow raised.  
    “Quite a reception you’ve laid on for us,” the captain returned in kind, smiling.
    The pilot shrugged. “We do our best, Capitaine.” The man looked weary. Though outwardly calm, there was a nervous edge to his humor.  
    Under the pilot’s instructions Stokes rang the telegraph to SLOW for the Jasper’s approach to the main channel. Tierney watched with respect as the pilot, relaying instructions to the helmsman, expertly guided Jasper between the shallows bordering the channel. The Germans, to Tierney’s surprise, stayed away. The planes had vanished. An ominous lull settled upon the city, overlain with smoke from countless fires.
    The Jasper eased towards its berth. John rang down FINISHED WITH ENGINES. “Well, I wasn’t expecting such an uneventful docking,” he said to the captain.”  
    Tierney shrugged. “We just got lucky. But if you're looking for excitement I don’t think you will be disappointed. They won’t stay away for long.” Stokes went off to organize the unloading of the cargo. The captain sent word for Charlie.
    Charlie found a preoccupied Tierney looking out at the ravaged city of Dunkirk. “Ye wanted tae see me, Captain?”
    “Yes, Chief,” Tierney said, turning to face him. “I want you to make sure this ship is ready to leave at short notice. We might want to get out of here in a hurry.”  
    “Aye, ah see whit ye mean right enough,” Charlie said, looking around. “Ah’ll see tae it, Captain,” Charlie said.
    “Thanks, I know I can rely on you and your men.” He nodded and turned back to look at the docks.
    During their tea break, Charlie and Harry discussed the captain’s character. “He’s a real decent man, Tierney,” Charlie observed. “No’ like some o’ the nasty buggers ah’ve seen.”
    “Well, he’s a Glesca man, isn’t he?” Harry said.
    Charlie snorted scornfully. “Some o’ the worst bastards I’ve known were Glesca men. It’s no’ where they come frae, it’s who they are themsels’ that matters.”  
    “Aye, ah suppose yer right,” Harry replied. “Ah wonder how lang this war will last? It doesnae seem tae be going that well for us at the moment.”  
    “Well, it’ll no’ be ony shorter than the last yin, mark mah words. An’ it always the ordinary workingman that get’s the worst o’ it. It wid be a lot shorter if aw thae toffy nosed gets in the government had tae go fight it.”  
    Harry sighed. Charlie was on his soapbox again. “Surely ye’re no’ saying we shouldnae fight Hitler. Ye canny let him rampage aboot Europe an’ no’ dae onything aboot it.”  
    “Ah know that,” Charlie replied sharply. “It’s aw this King an’ country rubbish that gets me. They tried tae sell us that line in the last war. When the war was ower, whit did the sodgers came back tae? A land fit for heroes? It’ll be the same efter this war is ower as well. When they don’t need ye they dinnae want tae know ye.”
    Harry had to agree with him. His own father had come back to hard work and low pay when he could find work. “Wis your faither in the war?”  
    “Naw,” Charlie replied. “He was a carter up aroon Fraserburgh and he was no’ that young when it started. Charlie shook his head at a memory that had come to him about his father. “Ah remember wance ah told him whit ah wanted tae be when ah grew up.”  
    “Whit wis that, Cherlie”  
    “Ah told him ah wanted tae be a doctor. He jist laughed at me. ‘Ye’re a certer’s loon,’ he told me. ‘It’s no’ the likes o’ us that become doctors.’ Ah wisnae auld enough tae understand yet, ye see. But ah still canny see why it is that if ye hae the brains tae do it they willnae allow it jist fer the want o’ money. It’s no’ right, Harry. Ach well there’s nae point in gaun on aboot that. Ah’m away tae mah bunk. Gie’s a shout when it’s mah turn.”  

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