Fixing Justice

Free Fixing Justice by Suzanne Halliday

Book: Fixing Justice by Suzanne Halliday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Halliday
Tags: Justice Brothers Book 2
bundle of nerves and circled the swollen nub until her hips began moving against her fingers. Tori was crazy wet and practically at the brink. There was something decidedly wicked about how she must look. Sprawled on the bed, hand inside her pants. Oooh , how she wished Draegyn would reappear at this very moment and replace her trembling fingers with his. The visual of them, naked and sweaty on the bed, exploded in her brain. It wasn’t more than a few seconds later when her insides tightened and clutched.
    Digging her heels into the mattress, she felt the storm building. When she started to spasm, and an orgasm detonated in her body, Tori lost control, grinding her palm against her throbbing clit. She’d gone ballistic thinking about Draegyn but in the aftermath of her climax, she was left with a deep ache that a quick, self-induced orgasm wasn’t going to fix. The man was like flypaper for her fantasies. Shit .

    Drae didn’t know what Victoria was up to in her small room across the compound. All he did know was that he wanted more than anything to go back and re-write the entire last scene of their kiss. Only this time he wouldn’t be left standing alone while she slammed a door in his face. No, if Drae had his way, instead of once again finding himself in a hot shower with a raging hard-on, he’d be fucking the petite woman senseless. The desire to empty his balls inside her was working overtime on his composure.
    He couldn’t believe the way she responded. How quick she’d gone from crybaby to wanton seductress in his arms. Grinding against her open thighs had been torture and the sweetest form of arousal he could imagine. When she went wild in his embrace, he responded in likewise fashion. What was it about the woman that got him so worked up? Well, now that he’d seen her glorious body with those flawless tits and pebbled nipples, he at least had a partial answer. They fit together perfectly. She was utterly irresistible in ways he was only starting to recognize. Victoria Bennett was also big trouble.
    He shouldn’t have gone after her. It wasn’t like him at all. Used to beautiful, savvy women who kept their emotional baggage to themselves, the deliberate emotional distance he kept meant that sex was all he had to offer. At no time could he ever recall getting involved in or giving half a shit about anyone else’s personal issues. What the hell was happening to his ability to stay detached and indifferent?
    His hard sex bouncing under the pounding stream of water bewildered him. How many more times could he insist it wasn’t like him at all with any kind of believability? Sighing, he realized all he had to do was conjure up the moment when he’d easily lifted her in his arms and felt those toned and fabulous legs of hers wrap tightly around his waist and he had his answer. None.
    Turning under the steamy shower, he let the water cascade in endless streams while he tried to get his damn shit together. When he’d picked her up, a primitive satisfaction he’d never felt before ripped through him. Add another notation to the not like him at all column. Drae enjoyed all women whether one hundred and twenty pounds or two hundred and twenty. A sexy, confident woman was just that, no matter the size, but there was something about Victoria’s waif-like body that turned up the heat in a big way. It hadn’t been a stretch to imagine going from lifting her against his rock hard body and slamming her against a wall to having her writhing on top of him while he moved her around on his cock with his hands gripping her shaking hips. Fuck, fuck, fuck . These thoughts were not helping at all.
    The water pouring from the showerhead turned icy when his hand shot out and turned the temperature to frigid. He’d be damned before he sank to jerking off in the fucking shower again. Goddammit! Enough was enough.

    Things hadn’t actually improved much by the next morning. How could they after the night he’d just had? When

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