Shattering Halos

Free Shattering Halos by Sunniva Dee

Book: Shattering Halos by Sunniva Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sunniva Dee
Tags: Fantasy, Contemporary, Paranormal
    At my house, he opened the car door for me. He sent me a dark look as I fought to get out of the seat. I couldn’t conceal how my body trembled when he crossed his arms instead of helping me out.
    “I’m sorry,” I whispered.
    Gabriel shook his head wearily and closed his eyes.
    Don’t close them. I shouldn’t have…
    “No, sunshine. I’m sorry.”
    I wanted to stroke a cheekbone, skim a full lip, but knew he wouldn’t let me. At the door, I turned to look back at him. He hadn’t moved. Gabriel stood infinitely still with his hands balled tight by his sides, a golden deity meeting my gaze…defiantly.
    Off-kilter, I fumbled for the doorknob and fell inward thanks to my mother.
    “Who onEarth was that?”
    Nice. Let’s find out how much more complicated my life can get.
    If I’d paid attention, I would have known she had the entire month of December off. A little late to change my fate now that all five feet three inches of her had me in a stare-down. My mother was a continuously busy and happy person, but boy, you didn’t want to be in the vicinity when she soured.
    “Hi, Mom. Yeah, a friend drove me back from school.”
    “Gaia. That is a dreamy-looking boy.”
    Come again?
    Confused, she tilted her head a little, as if forcing her motherliness back in control.
    “Who is he, and what does he do for a living? And no stories Gaia Samuelle, because I’ll see straight through them. Cut to the chase right now.”
    Ah, and she’s back. Yay.
    “Mom, please.”
    The lock clicked behind me—she locked him out like a criminal! Then she grasped my hand, led me to the kitchen, and made me sit. One of her infamous, loaded silences hung between us as she took her time pouring me chai tea.
    She stirred in maple syrup with ominous deliberation while I concentrated on not erupting into nervous laughter. As expected, she picked up right where we’d left off once she was done. The questions she fired off sounded like statements.
    “What’s his name?”
    “Gabriel. What’s Gabriel’s job, Gaia? Don’t even try to tell me he’s in high school. That boy is at least twenty-one.”
    This was not moving in a direction I was comfortable with, and I certainly had no answer she would buy.
    “Mom…I don’t know.”
    She didn’t take it well. “You don’t know how old he is? Why do I not believe you, Gaia? About twenty-three is my guess—way too old for you, missy. No daughter of mine is going anywhere with him, and that’s for your own good.”
    Unable to defend myself, I groaned, exasperating her some more. Her fairy-sized stature tensed.
    “I’m having a chat with your father, and he won’t be happy. What does a twenty-five-year-old man want with a seventeen-year-old girl, you think?”
    “I turned eighteen weeks ago, Mom.”
    She hated the reminder. “Don’t interrupt me! You have no idea; you’re so not prepared for this. Please inform Gabriel that you’re not allowed to see him, all right? Find a sweet high school boy.”
    “Hey, he’s a friend and wouldn’t try to trick me into anything. Plus, a little trust in your adult daughter would be nice. I’m going upstairs.”
    My mother started pacing, her breathing suddenly louder.
    Ah, yeah, should’ve kept my big yapper shut.
    “Well, forgive my bluntness, but he devoured you out there. This Gabriel is not planning for the two of you to be friends, that’s for sure, and by the looks of, uh, him, he’s used to getting what he wants. I’m putting a stop to this, Gaia, even if it takes involving Dad and a shotgun!”
    I took the stairs in three leaps, escaping before the need to snicker out loud overpowered me. What were the chances of her “putting a stop to” my guardian angel, and with a shotgun no less?
    I fell onto my bed, laughing and crying. I was in the midst of a small breakdown when a familiar tranquility wrapped around me. I peered up and found Gabriel standing by the window. Closer , I thought, and almost

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