The Trouble With Lacy Brown

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Book: The Trouble With Lacy Brown by Debra Clopton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Clopton
Tags: Romance, Debra Clopton
    When they’d all finally headed home, Lacy was keyed up. Far too restless for sleep, she’d taken a drive in the country.
    Driving or jogging always relaxed her. As an over-active child, she’d had trouble sleeping. Her mother learned early that a ride in the car lulled her to sleep. Though money had always been scarce, her mother had always managed to keep enough gas in the tank so Lacy could get the rest she needed. Now, driving simply relaxed her and gave her joy. She liked driving with the top down. Feeling the cool breeze on her skin and in her hair prepared her for bed like a gentle massage. She also found that that was when the Lord spoke to her.
    He hadn’t spoken tonight. He seemed to have abandoned her instead, since she was stranded in the middle of nowhere, flat out of gas. Gas she was sure wasthere before supper. And the Lord was nowhere in sight.
    Nothing was. The moon’s earlier light was now hidden behind a heavy overcast sky. Shadows loomed everywhere.
    A strange mournful howl filled the night air. A shiver raced down Lacy’s spine. “I’m not scared. I’m not scared,” she chanted, rubbing her arms. “Just a coyote looking for love,” she mumbled.
    Midnight drives down well-lit city streets, she was used to, not dark country roads. Searching uneasily through the darkness, she could barely see the white stripe on the pavement. She prided herself on not being easily frightened; however, it wouldn’t hurt if the shadows lifted a bit. Better yet, she wished clicking her heels together three times would get her home and into her warm bed. The chances of that happening or of a car showing up were about even.
    She had never felt farther away from the Lord than in that instant. That was a feeling she could not take.
    She began to pray. Oh, Lord, Father, You have my attention. Please forgive me for my many transgressions, especially the ones involving Clint Matlock. I’ll try to watch my temper around him and show You through me. I’m sorry I’m having such a hard time doing that. It seems I keep promising You one thing and then turning around and blowing it. I’ll do better, but obviously I can’t do it on my own. Please help. Now,about me here in the dark, I’m kind of scared and wonder if You could please get me home safely. In Your name and will to be done I pray, amen.
    Stiffening her spine and feeling better, she started walking. She hadn’t taken two steps when a loud clap of thunder split the sky open and rain poured down upon her.
    “Oh, not now,” she sputtered, looking heavenward. She knew Texas weather was unpredictable, but this was ridiculous! She was drenched in a matter of seconds as she hurried back to the Caddy and tried raising the roof. It was stuck, and helplessly she watched as the floorboard started filling with water.
    “Great. Just great, ” she yelled. Another blast of thunder rebuked her, roaring through the night. “Okay, Lord,” she squeaked. “What are You trying to teach me?” Looking around for some kind of shelter, she found nothing. She couldn’t have seen anything anyway if it had been right under her nose, it was so dark.
    Okay, Lord, now what? She lifted her face to the rain. The plump drops plopped and pounded her skin, rolling over her like cool water from a sprinkler. A mind-jolting crack of thunder rocked Lacy from her thoughts and propelled her to action and she started walking.
    Her white sundress slapped about her calves, her sandals flopped against the soles of her feet and her hair turned into a sopping mop that kept sliding overher eyes. She had walked about a mile when a cool breeze blew in and she started shivering uncontrollably.
    After the second mile she reached a bridge that only hours before had been over a small gurgling stream. Now, it was covered by a raging flood.
    Lord, Lord, why are You doing this to me? she questioned, utterly deflated. Her optimism plummeted. What was she going to do? She could try to cross in her

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