
Free ChristmasInHisHeart by Lee Brazil, Havan Fellows Page B

Book: ChristmasInHisHeart by Lee Brazil, Havan Fellows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Brazil, Havan Fellows
Tags: holiday, M/M Contemporary
    Xander crowded him against the wall, leaving no room for Dermot to pull away, and took his mouth in a delicate yet hungry kiss.

    Chapter Nine
    Xander’s festive red sweater landed somewhere on the other side of the table, probably on top of Dermot’s coat and button-down shirt.
    The two of them had managed to bump and grind their way over to the couch without untangling their limbs or separating their mouths—except for the undressing moments—and now he could feel Dermot’s lean chest rubbing against his broader one. A sensation he missed out on the last time they were in this apartment, but one he definitely wanted to feel numerous times over in the future.
    This was certainly one way to warm them back up…but Xander couldn’t let them fall down the same hole they had last time. He already knew they were compatible when it came to sex, but he wanted more from his chef than a mere taste of his sausage.
    With all the willpower he possessed, Xander broke their kiss and scooted back for some breathing room. The uncertain eyes staring at him almost pulled him into their embrace again, but much to Xander’s body’s dismay, there were other ways he had to shed those doubts from Dermot that a roll and tumble couldn’t do.
    Situating them on the couch in a less fuck me position and more talk to me manner, Xander spoke softly. “You don’t know how badly I want to rip the rest of our clothes off and make you say my name, but before that happens, we really need to talk.”
    He didn’t miss Dermot’s flinch. The man spoke volumes with his movements and expressive looks. He stroked Dermot’s cheek, brought his hand lower to hook around his neck, leaned in for another taste…and bounded right off the couch to pace the room.
    He knew damn well if he stayed sitting, the only talking he’d do would be to beg for more. “Do you even realize how addicting you are?” he mumbled the question under his breath, not really meaning for it to be heard by anyone.
    Xander stopped his pacing to stare at the completely oblivious man. He had no shirt on, his Dockers were unbuttoned, and he seemed to be missing a shoe somehow, yet he still looked elegant and poised, if not a tad bit confused.
    “I don’t want us to fuck and then you kick me out again.” There, he said it.
    “I had to get back to work; you can’t hold that against me. I own the restaurant, I have responsibilities that you don’t seem to comprehend,” Dermot tried to defend his actions.
    Xander smiled, not necessarily out of humor, but more from the knowledge that for once he believed he just might win this time against his prickly grinch.
    Dermot stood abruptly, probably wary of Xander’s suddenly happy face. “What?” he questioned. “It’s the truth.”
    “Bullshit. But hey, sure, you had to get back to work. Fine, I’ll grudgingly concede that one to you. What about the time before that, when I brought you coffee? What was your excuse that day? What are you so afraid of, Dermot?”
    “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Just because I’m not attracted to you the wa—”
    “Bullshit,” Xander repeated himself as he held up two fingers. “That’s twice. Remember what I said about third times?”
    Dermot’s eyes widened as he nodded slowly.
    “I remember the first time I saw you.” Warmth spread through Xander at the happy memory. “You probably don’t recall it, that’s fine. It was just a bump on the sidewalk with someone you didn’t know…but for me it was more. Your voice danced over my skin. It was a hot day, but I had goose bumps from you mumbling just a few words to me in passing. I didn’t realize it at the time, but you were the deciding factor for me wanting the job at Craft Time.”
    The meaning behind his words must’ve hit Dermot solidly in his midsection, because the man dropped back down on the couch and looked dumbstruck.
    “But…Shawna hired you months ago.”
    “Yeah.” Xander

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