Saving the Sheriff: A Three River Ranch Novella (Entangled Bliss)

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Book: Saving the Sheriff: A Three River Ranch Novella (Entangled Bliss) by Roxanne Snopek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxanne Snopek
Tags: Susan Mallery, Animals, Christmas, small town romance, ranch, Stranded, sweet, cop, reindeer, snowstorm
    Carson’s housekeeper elbowed Desiree out of the way. Bliss was round and wrinkled like a raisin, and Des backed away like she was lit dynamite. Red had met Bliss a few times, but only briefly. His knowledge of her formidable authority was mostly secondhand but his sources had been adamant. You didn’t argue with Bliss.
    “I brought a hamper.” The housekeeper glanced over her shoulder and pushed the door fully open. “No man lives on canned stew over Christmas. Not in my house.”
    Zach appeared behind them backlit by the brilliant outdoor light, an enormous box in his arms.
    Red straightened to his own full height but still wished he had his boots on. Or at least proper pants. He glanced at his clothes hanging in front of the fire. Then down at his wrinkled sweat pants and double-layered socks.
    His visitors followed his glance and beyond, to where Frankie huddled in her blanket, hair mussed up on the side she’d been lying on.
    The three at the door all saw her at the same time. Des stood up. Zach tilted his cowboy hat for a better look. Bliss paused in the act of pulling off a glove.
    Red opened his mouth to explain—how, exactly, he wasn’t sure—but the housekeeper got there first.
    “Well, it appears our lonely lawman had company, after all.” She turned around and made shooing motions to the others. “We’re gonna step back onto the porch for a minute while you two get decent. I’d say introductions are in order.”
    She said introductions. But Red recognized an upcoming interrogation when he saw it.
    “Who are they? You said no one would be here for days!” Frankie pulled on Rory’s now-crispy jeans and sweatshirt with shaking hands.
    “I don’t live here, remember? I live in town. I never even thought about using snowmobiles to get around.” Red yanked off his sweat pants and leaped into his jeans, as if she wasn’t even there. “Zach and Des are the neighbors down the road. Bliss is the housekeeper here.”
    “Now what are we going to do? Are you going to tell them what I did? Oh God, oh God, I was supposed to be gone by now! So were the elk!”
    Red was zipping his parka already. “Don’t worry, I’ll go outside and talk to them. I’ll explain that you were stranded. That’s all they need to know.”
    “What should I tell them? Red?”
    “Whatever you want, Frankie. They’re good people,” he said, rubbing his chin. The bristles were darker and longer now, giving his face a ruddy shadow that emphasized his chiseled bone structure.
    “You oughta be decent by now.” Thumping on the door accompanied Bliss’s words. “And we’re freezing our patooties off out here.”
    Frankie stood on the far side of the fireplace, watching as they entered. The older woman, Bliss, definitely had an in-charge air about her. Sex and the City next to her, wearing lipstick to match her red hat and scarf, had big, dark eyes that, underneath the curiosity, screamed don’t-mess-with-me. Zach was big and handsome, but in a kind of obvious way, thought Frankie, glancing at Red. She guessed by Desiree’s hand on the man’s hip that they were together.
    How wonderful it would be, thought Frankie, to have someone to hang onto during life’s uncertainties.
    Suddenly Red was next to her, standing slightly in front, as if shielding her. She took a step closer, until she felt Red’s leg against hers. As always, when he was near, a wall of warmth and safety enveloped her. Frankie imagined his mouth against hers, his hand cupping her neck, the slide of their tongues as they met. She swallowed and forced the sensation away. She and Red had helped each other during this storm, but that was all. Whatever they had, it wasn’t real. They weren’t partners like Zach and Desiree obviously were. As soon as they figured out what to do with the caribou, she and Red would part.
    “I’m Bliss Henderson, housekeeper here at Three River Ranch.” The older woman pointed to her companions. “Zachary Gamble,

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