At His Warning: The Billionaire's Beck and Call, Part 8

Free At His Warning: The Billionaire's Beck and Call, Part 8 by Delilah Fawkes

Book: At His Warning: The Billionaire's Beck and Call, Part 8 by Delilah Fawkes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delilah Fawkes
His Warning: The Billionaire’s Beck and Call, Part 8

    By Delilah Fawkes

you didn’t hear me, Lex? I said, let her go.” Chase Drake stood still as a
statue, his eyes blazing with dangerous intent as he surveyed the scene before
held me tight for a moment longer, then let out a nervous chuckle and eased his
the matter, Chase? Can’t keep track of your girl?”
jerked my arm away and stumbled away from him, staring daggers at the man who
may just have ruined one of the best things to ever happen to me when he
grabbed me and kissed me. What was his game? Why would he do this to his
partner? Hell, why would he do this to me? I’d barely met the man, but here he was trying to destroy one
of the best things to ever happen to me.
head still swam from that last shot of whiskey, but I braced myself against the
wall of the hallway. The shock of the past few minutes had helped clear away
some of the spinning queasiness, but I didn’t trust myself not to swerve on my
heels just yet.
seems it’s you I can’t keep track of,” Mr. Drake spat. “Why, Lex? Why must you
always try to ruin me? All the women I’ve dated, you’ve tried to steal away.
Didn’t you realize it just showed me how fickle they all were instead of
breaking me? How they were only interested in my wealth if you could tempt them
away so easily?”
eyes narrowed, the muscles in his jaw tightening. “Is it so hard to believe
that someone would choose me over Chase Drake, golden
boy ?” He spat the
last words, his lips pulled back in a snarl.
was never the golden boy, Lex. I just wasn’t an asshole like you.”
made a noise like a growl deep in his throat. Things were definitely getting
out of hand. I edged slowly away from him, hoping to escape his notice.
makes you think she’s any different? Maybe she likes a man who takes what he
wants, huh? Not some fucking boy scout...”
your hands off her,” Mr. Drake said, his voice calm despite the fire in his
eyes. “I won’t ask you again.”
what? What are you gonna do? What’s Chasey gonna do about it?”
lurched toward me, trying to grab my wrist again, but I shrunk away. What the
hell was going on between these two?
screamed as Mr. Drake’s fist connected with Lex’s face.
a moment, time seemed to slow down. I saw Lex’s eyes go wide, his arms shoot up
too late, just before his head snapped back with the impact. I backed up fast,
giving the two men space just as Lex lashed out, his fist swinging toward Mr.
Drake’s stomach. Chase batted his hand aside and connected again with a vicious
covered my mouth with my hands, unable to look away, worried that this would
get out of control, and maybe already had. Should I call for help? Or should I
move in and get a couple of kicks in before the fight was over?
head throbbed. Everything was happening so fast.
landed a glancing blow on Mr. Drake’s face before he was tackled into the wall.
The men were grappling now, grunting and straining as each tried to gain the
upper hand. Mr. Drake pushed away and squared his shoulders, ready for the
attack. Lex’s fist jabbed forward, but Chase was too quick for him, stepping
aside, then following up with a blow to the face. Lex cried out and held a hand
up, his fingers shaking. Blood poured down his chin.
broke my fucking nose!”
Drake bent down and ripped Lex’s pocket square out of his jacket pocket. “Go
clean yourself up, Lex.” He tossed the handkerchief in his face. “It’s over.”
Smith straightened up, holding the cloth to his face. Red blossomed onto the
fabric as he stared at us both in a way that made my skin crawl. Then, he made
a lewd gesture and slunk down the corridor, disappearing from view around the
elevator banks.
stared at Mr. Drake, not quite believing the scuffle that had just occurred
between two grown

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