Treats Aren't Always Sweet
forget, she wanted a do-over. When she left, she was
young, helpless, and broke. It sucked, and it pissed her off even
    When she hit the main floor and saw the
outside, Treat had no thought other than to get to her bike and
ride. She needed to feel the wind, the freedom…fuck, she needed to
forget. If she would’ve been paying attention, she would have seen
the car pull out behind her, following at a distance.

Chapter Eight
    Lane wasn’t stupid, he knew for a fact Chet
and his idiot wife would never be able to get to Jilly. Stupid
fuckers had no clue how to get what they wanted, probably why they
were in debt in the first place.
    He needed information, because he didn’t give
a shit about that idiotic woman, he wanted his son. No one was
going to take his flesh and blood from him. And the added bonus was
going to be the new bride he was going to gain. He wasn’t stupid,
with only a few phone calls he learned all about Brooke ‘Treat’
Thompson, and what she had been up to. The woman wasn’t stupid, he
knew that when she was younger, he just hadn’t had a chance to get
    Lane picked up the phone and made a few calls
as he followed Brooke, he grinned as he looked at her ass. Yeah,
she was supposed to be his, he could almost feel the satisfaction
of bringing her to heel. The fucking whore, wearing those tight
clothes, flaunting her body, yeah, he was totally going to bring
that bitch to heel. She was his; she could raise her sister’s kid
when he got rid of her. Stupid bitch was worthless anyway, the only
good thing she did was fucking give him a son, other than that,
    “Yeah, I am gonna need some help, I have a
change of plans.” Lane smiled into the phone.
    “Change of plans? This is gonna cost you,”
the man said and Lane grimaced, he had called in a debt to help him
get his son back.
    “Whatever, I have the money, or I will have
the money. Turns out my bitch’s sister is loaded. That’s right,
loaded. So I need to get rid of Jilly fast. Then I need somewhere
to relocate myself and my new family.” Lane smiled.
    He hung up the phone and followed. Hell yeah,
things were looking up, he just had to follow her, get the tracking
device on her bike, then sit back and wait. He already had a
connection to the group of people the bitch was apparently hanging
out with. He didn’t know until right now how useful that was going
to be. One phone call and he would have someone on the inside. All
those biker types hung around together, Lane thought of the rumors
he had heard about where they hung out.

Chapter Nine
    Treat pulled back into the hospital parking
lot two hours later. War’s and Stone’s bikes were still there, she
noticed with a grimace, but still parked next to them. Shit, she
had needed that, the ugly thoughts running through her head
threatened to overtake her. It didn’t happen often, but it did
happen. When she was riding, she finally admitted to herself that
was why she had left in the first place. If she hadn’t she would
have slit her wrists, she knew it because of the overwhelming sense
of hopelessness she had felt growing up.
    She felt bad her sister had to endure what
she did, and yes, she felt guilty she hadn’t come back for her.
However, she needed to get the fuck over it, because there was no
way she had been equipped to handle another person when she left,
it took a long time for her to be able to deal, and then, Treat had
just been fucking happy she was out of it.
    She lifted her leg over the seat and was
ready to go inside when she saw War and Stone walking toward
    Treat turned her head and looked out into the
street, focusing on the traffic instead of them, because she
couldn’t do this, she was so over them being here. “Yeah, needed to
clear my head a little. What are you still doing here?”
    “Waiting for you,” War snapped. “Where did
you go?”
    Treat frowned and then she just snapped,
seriously she could not take this shit anymore.

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