Captiva Master - Vampire Warewolf Menage Six Feet Under Series Book 4)

Free Captiva Master - Vampire Warewolf Menage Six Feet Under Series Book 4) by Talyn Scott

Book: Captiva Master - Vampire Warewolf Menage Six Feet Under Series Book 4) by Talyn Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Talyn Scott
collect Amy. Adam had driven Dakota here in awkward silence after their kissing and fondling. He wanted nothing more than to pull Dakota in his arms again, take her the way a male claims a female. In the past, a few of the Donors had begged him to take them during his feeding, their tender bodies reflecting arousal from his bites, while guards and other imprisoned males watched on in detached amusement. Instead of taking what he needed, what was freely offered repeatedly, Adam could never withstand his captors’ eyes upon him. He may have been caged but he wasn’t an animal. The only time he’d finally given into a female’s demands while imprisoned, when he could stand the aching no longer, he’d killed her.
    Or so he was told.
    Adam had his own theories, that his captors had uncaringly drained her blood to near depletion before handing her over to him for feeding. And when he, unpracticed in toying with females first, made way to enter her, he pressed a mere inch of his cock inside before her vein stopped pulsing beneath his fangs. Oh, Rave hadn’t let that slide, had tortured him mercilessly for days and days…until Adam lost count of the time, wishing he could just die. Wishing accomplished nothing. No matter how many times Adam tried to kill himself, Rave wouldn’t allow him the ultimate relief, would heal his wounds in order to torture Adam some more.
    Rave had wanted him as the ultimate killing machine.
    Adam had wanted his freedom.
    When he truly discovered a way out, paying his way to freedom by committing crime after crime, he found a way to become a better male. He vowed to watch over Amy and her young, silently claiming them. To no avail, Amy wanted nothing from him, wanted nothing reminding her of the Habalines who stole time from her life and peace from her mind. Adam hated that many had used the females so disgustedly for one-sided pleasure. He knew that sickening feeling personally. Fortunately, Amy was imprisoned far less time than Adam was.
    After all, he had been born a captive.
    He sensed Dakota shiver before she hugged herself. Her blonde head whipping left and then right, she wrinkled her nose and followed the scent of burning logs. “Why would you want to protect me?” she asked as they entered a heavily paneled room filled with thick wood, leather, and ancient tomes. A fireplace filled with immortal fire burned low, painting the spacious room with a bluish glow.
    Because my shifter has claimed, his female and you are mine . “Maestru asked me.” He hadn’t seen a mark on her throat or scented any other signs of male marking on her body; however, it was evident Maestru was interested in this female. He had to wonder how long his shifter would stay satisfied in waiting for her.
    “Does everyone do what he says?” She found a heavy decanter filled with amber liquid and shakily lifted it.
    “He asked me, not forced me. I’m sorry for your rattled nerves.” He stepped near her, easing the decanter from her hand and pouring it into a crystal glass. “We don’t need you hurting yourself again.” When she touched the glass to her lips, he heard her teeth hit the rim, so he steadied her hand with his. “And yes, most everyone does what Maestru says. The exceptions would be other faction leaders, such as the werewolves.” Adam watched her swallow, the muscles of her delicate throat moving erotically under such an unassuming act. He’d never been moved by such simple grace as this, and he longed to trace her throat once more with his tongue. When Maestru stepped from the truck to chastise the hunter, Adam had continued moving his mouth and his hands on her, stroking her neck and her thighs, and she’d arched into him, her body crying out for more.
    There was nothing he’d rather do than give her more.
    She coughed when she took her last swallow of drink, wheezing as she came up for air. He had no idea what to do for her and made a mental note to read more tomes, perhaps medical

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