The Mortal Fringe
way I
won't seem so eager. I can't really focus on it though, it's hard
to focus on anything when you know you will die in a couple of
months, but it keeps me from thinking too much.
    After some hours of doing the exact
same thing, there's a knock on the door. Jay does not move a finger
so I put on my flip-flops and go get it. My heart stops once again
as Elizabeth walks in.
    "I see you are not ready yet, am I too
    I am completely lost.
    "What did I miss?" I am asking both of
    "You invited me over to the Star Wars
thing, remember? Last week" Oh yes, Jay gave me the tickets because
he couldn't make it, but since he has been lying on his bed all
afternoon, I'll take it as it was another of his tricks.
    "No I hadn't forgotten, come on!" I
can feel my sweat coming down my neck "I'll be ready in a minute" I
don't know why I said that, it's not something I am looking forward
do, but it came so spontaneously that I can't take it back now. I
sneak into the bathroom, wash my hair in a matter of seconds, put
on a clean t-shirt, a couple of drops of cologne, which make me
feel stupid, and then I open the door.
    Of course, they were talking about me,
and against all odds, they do not stop their talking, which is
quite embarrassing since she is telling Jay all about my reactions
in class this morning. "Ok, enough talking, some of us have plans"
I say, blushing again.
    I am nervous, it is not my first date
but it seems like if it was. Elizabeth is walking so close to me
that I know it probably means she wants me to hold her arm or
something, but I am too focused on not falling down as I am
    "How do you want to do it?"
    "Do what?" My blush is not going to
leave me for a while now.
    "Get there, Alex" she looks at me like
if she could guess the misunderstanding. "Jay tells me that you
have been asking about the teleportation thing.”
    "I have, yes, but it's not because I
am scared or anything, I was just curious and, well, you know" she
is too intimidating for me.
    She gets into the room to our left. I
stand still since I don't know what to do. Some seconds later, she
opens it up and with a single look I know that I am supposed to
follow her. I enter the room.
    "Hold my arm" she says, waving it. I
take it.
    The experience is much less brilliant
than I expected. Everything that surrounds me goes blurry and
suddenly my feet are not on safe ground. I am flying over nothing.
Then my feet are back on ground again, the room starts to move, and
Elizabeth has the same look on her face she had before. I am dizzy
enough to hold my air for a second and close my eyes for a while.
When I open them again I can see I am somewhere else, she just took
me there.
    "How did you like it?" she asks
    "Next time, we walk."
    "We can always drive."
    "No, no driving. I prefer
    We are at the cinema restroom, some
people are walking through the aisles leading to the projection
room. They are all dressed up in Star Wars costumes.
    "If you are thinking on making me wear
one of those" I say pointing at them "it's not going to
    She looks at me in a rather strange
way. She starts laughing.
    "I am not a witch, Alex. It's not like
I can dress you up like that, and trust me, I wouldn't. Come on,
let's go."
    She opens the door and leads the way.
We go to the ticket window to validate our tickets, and then go
back in. It's incredible how many people enjoy these movies, I have
only watched them once, and it was quite enough. However, here I
    There's someone dressed as Darth Vader
on stage presenting the picture, like if that was necessary, but I
have to admit it's quite funny. Finally, after a ten minutes
speech, the lights go out and the very familiar theme floods the
cinema. Cheers and repetitive applause go with the text preceding
the movie; I have never been part of such a fandom. It's exciting.
The guy right next to me is crying.
    "First time?" says Elizabeth when she
notices him
    "That's right" he sobs.
    Elizabeth smiles

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