Alpha's Mate

Free Alpha's Mate by Caryn Moya Block

Book: Alpha's Mate by Caryn Moya Block Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caryn Moya Block
worn away.  Violet realized why they needed the big old truck with the huge tires.  There were a couple of potholes that looked like they would swallow her Prius back home.  She was glad Kolya drove carefully.  He didn't try to go flying down the road.  Hitting one pothole could break an axle.  Dmitry held her carefully, trying to cushion her from being banged around.  She looked at her surroundings, enjoying the lush forests, and beautiful wild flowers.  She noticed the birds flying in the pristine blue sky, and wished her camera wasn't buried in its case.
    Dmitry looked down at his little mate, and smiled.  Four hours into their drive, she finally gave in to fatigue and went to sleep.  Anton helped him shift her until she lay cradled against his chest.  He was worried to see the dark circles under her eyes.  He would need to see she slept more.  They were nearing the garage, where they would leave the truck.  Kolya would go ahead and warn the pack of their arrival.  Anton would help him carry Violet through the woods.  He needed her to stay asleep.  If she woke up, and they waited for her to walk in, it would take two hours or more.  If she slept, he could carry her, using his superior strength and speed.  They would be at the Alpha's house in a little over an hour.
    Kolya pulled the truck into the garage.  The pack owned the property from here, where the road ended, to the other side of the mountain range.  They built the metal building, which housed the truck, to make their trips into the neighboring villages easier.
    Kolya and Anton climbed out.  Anton came around to open the door.  Dmitry shifted Violet into Anton’s arms so he could climb down.  She mumbled in her sleep, but didn’t wake.  Kolya was already stripping out of his clothes and folding them on the seat.  When he was completely naked, he shifted.  Light poured into his body and coalesced.  When the light receded and the image cleared, a large wolf with brown markings stood in his place, and promptly ran into the forest.
    Dmitry got Violet's camera bag from behind the seat, and brought it to the door of the garage.  He reached out his arms and let Anton place her close to his heart.  Then Anton pulled a blanket out and wrapped it around her.  Dmitry didn't wait.  He knew Anton would lock up the garage, and grab the camera bag.  He headed into the forest after Kolya.
    They soon developed a routine.  Anton would hold branches away, so Dmitry could carry Violet through.  Then Anton would move back in front, to break the trail.  Night finally came to Siberia, but with their wolf senses, they could see clearly day or night.
    Twice Violet started to awake, and Dmitry gave her mind a little push to go back to sleep.  He hoped she wouldn't realize what he did.  He knew she wouldn't like it.
    They were more than halfway home, when they started to draw attention.  A large gray wolf, with new flesh on his shoulder, walked up on one side.  Then a wolf with reddish markings came up on the other side.  When they finally reached the clearing, in front of the large log home, more wolves were coming in from all sides.  Dmitry didn't stop.  He followed Anton up the steps, onto the covered porch, and into the house. 
    He smiled when he saw his sister, Alena, sitting in Kolya's lap, kissing him.  His best friend and little sister deserved their happiness.  He moved up the stairs and into his bedroom.  Anton, still following him, pulled down the covers on the bed and turned on the light.  Then he put Violet's camera bag on the table where she would see it in the morning.  Dmitry laid her down gently, and reached to untie the laces on her boots.
    “Want me to help?” asked Anton quietly, with a big smile on his face.
    “Go away, puppy.  I'll be down as soon as she is safe in bed.”  Dmitry whispered to him.  Anton left quietly and closed the door behind him.
    Dmitry worked quickly and soon Violet's clothes were off.  He

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