Knight's Dawn

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Book: Knight's Dawn by Kim Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Hunter
side of her face, hidden from him until now, was hideously disfigured. She gave him a fleeting, distorted smile, from which no warmth could come through that rippled flesh. Again she called the captain, who went to her side, and a whispered command left Kaff looking white and shaken. Then the sedan chair was again raised and was whisked away down a side-alley. The captain stood transfixed for a moment, staring in its wake, then he returned to shake his head at Soldier. I dont know whether youre the luckiest man alive or the most unfortunate. She agreed? cried Soldier, elated. She will marry me? So she says. Who is she? That, my poor friend, is Princess Layana, sister of Queen Vanda, of Guthrum. Your wedding will take place at the Palace of Wildflowers in three days time. A princess! cried Soldier. An ugly princess, muttered the captain, wanting no one but Soldier to hear this perfidy. A mad princess. What do you mean? Is this why you called me unfortunate? Indeed it is, said Kaff. You have escaped one painful death for another. Princess Layana is violently insane. She has already brutally murdered two husbands, one with nail scissors, the other with a long darning needle. Watch out for your eyes and always keep your pants buttoned tight. But husbands? Is she not a maid? She is still a virgin, despite the two husbands. One got dead drunk at his wedding. That same night he was attacked by his deranged bride bearing nail scissors and woke up without his manhood. He bled to death in sheets which had turned from crisp white to sodden red overnight. The second husband was warned not to enter the princesss boudoir during her bouts of madness. Unable to contain his lust he secretly arranged a rendezvous in a rooftop garden and had his eyes winkled from his head. In his blindness he stumbled over the battlements of the palace and fell to his death. At least I live for a while longer, Soldier told the captain. Make no mistake about it. She will destroy you, as she has others. Kaff paused before he said in a faraway voice, It is such a great pity for her that she doesnt see what is before her eyes. There was something in the captains tone which caught Soldiers attention. He stared into Kaffs stricken eyes. In there, he saw another kind of madness. Soldier sighed. Youre in love with her yourself. The metal glove lashed out yet one more time, splitting Soldiers lip. Blood ran from the corner of his mouth. Kaff said, Youre not married to her yet - dont become too insolent, stranger. You might have an accident on the way to the wedding. Wouldnt that be tragic? Soldier stared into Kaffs face and realised that now he had made a real enemy.
    Chapter Six

Soldier was taken to a house near the Palace of Wildflowers and handed over to a man-servant of the princess. What lovely eyes, said the eunuch. Youve got a summer sky in your head, havent you? Soldiers iron collar was removed by a blacksmith brought in for the purpose then dismissed. Fortunately it was not the man who had put the collar on. In the centre of the hollow-squared house was a beautiful courtyard, trimmed with bushes of entwined rosemary and lavender, and studded with medlar trees. Lyre-birds fluttered on the mosaic paths and strutted between sprays of pure-white lilies, pecking at the brown fruit from the medlars. Doves decorated the statues of gods and wild beasts. Soft music came from ivory horns projecting from the fresco which lined the walls. Clouds of colourful butterflies drifted from corner to corner, purely decorative, while hardworking imperial blue dragonf lies kept the surface of the water free from invading mosquitoes. Forming the centre of the courtyard was an oblong pool with fluorspar steps leading down into its pink water and a fountain which seemed to spray rose petals that somehow dissolved into pink-crystal liquid drops before falling gently onto the waters of the bath. Guards stood and watched, smirking and nudging each other, while Soldier was stripped and

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