Knight's Dawn

Free Knight's Dawn by Kim Hunter

Book: Knight's Dawn by Kim Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Hunter
head, but with no sound coming out that is what we aspire to in the room below this one. This speech, Soldier knew, was as much for his benefit as the captains. He was meant to be intimidated. He was meant to be terrified of what was going to happen to him. Soldier knew now that he was in the presence of the Lord of Thieftakers, head of magistrates, judges, lawyers and the watchmen who policed the streets of the city. The Lord of Thieftakers now rubbed the sides of his nose with both hands before proceeding. You have been here a lunar month? he asked Soldier. Yes, my lord. And you have made no attempt to leave, now that your statutory month is up? I didnt know I had to leave. No one told me. The Lord shook his head. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Surely someone should have told me, my lord? Someone should have, but they didnt, and so here you are before me, awaiting my sentence. Well, I have no choice but to sentence you to death. He looked at a sundial on the windowsill of his room where the sun came through. Normally I would have you beheaded, but the executioner has almost finished for the day. Instead, you will be taken from here and disembowelled and your innards fried in a copper bowl while you still live. Once you are dead the rest of your remains will be placed in a gibbet cage. Said gibbet to hang outside the city gates where the rooks and crows may cleanse your bones. That is all. Do you have anything to say? I would prefer to wait for the next set of beheadings. Anything else? asked the lord, in deadpan voice. Wait, said Soldier, desperately. Surely theres something I can do? An appeal to the queen, asking for mercy. There must be some way ... The Lord of Thieftakers raised an eyebrow. Hasnt the captain explained it to you? No no, my lord. The captain has said nothing. The lord sighed. In that case, I shall have to, wont I? One. Your death sentence may be revoked if a Guthrum citizen with either wealth, business or land comes to plead your cause and stand surety. Two. If a lone wolf appears before the city gates under the next nights moon. Three. If a maid of Guthrum agrees to take you to husband. Thats it. To the captain the lord said, Take him back to the market-place. See if anyone wishes to stand surety, or if some fool girl wants to marry him. If neither happens, then take him to the tower and slice open his belly! But a wolf might come, argued Soldier. The captain smiled. All wolves are slaughtered on sight by the Carthagans who ring the city walls. Soldier remained silent at this news. He had to rely on Spagg to get him off. Or if he could see Uthellen, on the way, he would plead with her to marry him. She was poor and in need of a mans protection. All was not yet lost. The captain, who let it be known afterwards that he felt this was all a waste of time, led Soldier back towards the market-place, to where Spagg was back at his stall. The hand-seller was in none too good a mood. Having left his stall unattended, Soldier had allowed some of the hands to be stolen before Spagg could get back to his wares. Spagg was very sorry, he said, but he couldnt stand surety for Soldier. What? cried the condemned man. What are you saying? Ive worked for you for these past few weeks. Havent we been fnends? Spagg shrugged. Firstly, if you ran away they would take my business from me. Its the business thats the surety, not me. I wont run away, promised Soldier, desperately. Secondly, replied Spagg, ignoring this interruption, someone wants you dead. Someone with a bit of power, otherwise you wouldnt be in this fix. Im not going to cross a powerful man for someone Ive only just met. I hope the beheading is quick, for your sake. Its not a beheading. Its a disembowelling, said Soldier. Spagg winced and then shrugged, turning away, leaving Soldier feeling wretched. Soldier then appealed to anyone in the crowd who had any sense of kindness to stand surety for him. Youll probably steal the teeth out of my head, one man shouted

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