Crave (Tainted Angels Book 1)

Free Crave (Tainted Angels Book 1) by D. H. Sidebottom

Book: Crave (Tainted Angels Book 1) by D. H. Sidebottom Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. H. Sidebottom
grin and shrugged. “Well it can’t hurt to try.”
    He swept his arm over the table. “Give it your best shot, Seraph.”
    Stepping up to the table, I stared at the black ball. Hiding my smirk, my eyes zeroed in and I moved my gaze to the top right hand pocket. Of course, it did my bidding and rolled into the hole – all by its little self.
    Rax and Jaron stared at me, their mouths as wide as their eyes. “You can’t do that!”
    “Aww.” I pouted. “Don’t like the taste of your own medicine, huh?”
    “Dunno what you’re talking about,” Rax scoffed.
    I stared at him, my brows high. “Really?”
    He couldn’t help but grin, the sight of it doing things to my belly that I wasn’t sure I liked. “Okay, not as dumb as you look.”
    My jaw dropped. “I take offence to that!”
    “You should.” He laughed as he poked me with the tip of his cue. “It wasn’t a compliment.”
    He grabbed me around the waist when I went to slap him, locking my arms behind my back. His mouth dropped to my ear. “Be careful, sweet thing. Fights make my cock hard.”
    My whole body trembled with need when he buried his face in my neck, inhaling deeply at my scent as a growl rumbled deep in his chest. “Rax,” I warned, but my voice belied my admonishment. “You can’t.”
    “Does that mean you want to,” he whispered in my head. “Or am I reading you all wrong?”
    Debating his question for a while, my acceptance arguing with my morals, I eventually nodded. “Yes. If I knew it wouldn’t kill you then I’d give it all, every drop …” I quietened when I felt him pull out of my head and stiffen. He was reluctant to pull away from me, I felt it, but he did.
    Looking at him, I found him staring over my shoulder with narrow eyes. I turned to look what had caught his attention and I was met with the most stunning woman I’d ever laid my eyes on. Her tall body was lean, her breasts large. She wore a tight red dress that appeared to have been sprayed on to her stunning figure. Her long chestnut hair was straight and shiny, her striking face made up to perfection, her highlighted cheekbones high, and her full lips painted a deep red.
    “What are you doing here, Tabitha?” Rax asked, his voice low and angry. I noticed the relaxed atmosphere in the room had dropped to a chilly quality, each of Rax’s friends watching their exchange carefully. Blinking when Zak’s eyes narrowed on me, possibly waiting for a reaction to the hot goddess, I shivered and swallowed back the apprehension that curled deep inside me.
    Disregarding his fury, Tabitha’s emerald eyes slowly slid to me. Her head tipped to the side as she perused me, her lip curling in distaste as she took a step towards me. “Aren’t you going to introduce us, baby?”
    My top teeth sank into my bottom lip as I tried to disguise the hurt that I didn’t want to feel in the pit of my stomach. Not sure I had managed to hide it when Tabitha grinned sickly at me, I smiled as casually as I possibly could and held out my hand. “Hi, I’m Willa.”
    Her gaze dropped to my hand but she didn’t offer me hers. Instead, her cold stare moved back to Rax, her snub hurting me more than it should have. “You’re wanted.”
    “Wanted?” he asked as he came to stand in front of me defensively.
    Angry, I stepped to the side. No way was this bitch making me feel awkward in my drinking joint.
    “Your father.” Her eyes slid around the room and she grimaced. “Really, Rax? A human back street slum?”
    “Excuse me?” I hissed, stepping forward. Fred’s was welcoming and cosy, the relaxed atmosphere I always managed to find here the best part about it. It granted me a separation from all the shit back home, and I loved this place as much as my own home. Her disrespect riled me.
    She quirked a perfectly manicured eyebrow my way, heating my temper even more. “I’m sorry,” she drawled. “Were you speaking to me, halfbreed?”
    I gasped when my body jerked, and I

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