Rainbow High
wiped her hands. “I emphasized to Coach Cameron that coming out is a very personal decision. Only you can determine what’s right for you, but . . . I think coming out publicly would make you an excel ent role model.” Jason groaned softly. Not again.
    “Can I ask you a question?” He sat up. “If it’s not too personal . . . are you ...” He scrunched up the napkin in his hand. “Are you gay?” Ms. MacTraugh nodded, smiling. “I try not to make a big deal of it, but with so many of you students coming out now ...” Jason shifted his feet. “When did you come out?”
    “Hmm,” Ms. MacTraugh said, as if remembering. “It depends on what you mean. In col ege I first realized my feelings for other girls were more than friendship. Up til then I’d gone out with boys. I was playing bal sophomore year, when I met a girl and fel in love. This May wil mark twenty-four years together.”
    Jason wondered, Is that “Barb”?
    “Coming out is a lifelong process,” Ms. MacTraugh continued. “Each time we meet someone new or move to a different setting, we’re chal enged to reveal who we are. It’s not always easy. But no matter how difficult, it’s something I’ve never regretted. So few things in life truly matter. Chief among them are being true to yourself, and being honest with others.”
    “But,” Jason said, “what if that means losing my scholarship?”
    “We could certainly fight it.” Ms. MacTraugh’s voice brimmed with optimism. “You’re not alone in this. Coach Cameron thinks very highly of you, and you can count on my support.”
    “Thanks,” Jason said, a little encouraged.
    “Now, what about your family?” Ms. MacTraugh asked. “Have you come out to them?” Jason shifted in his seat, uneasy. “After I told my dad, he left home. I thought my mom was okay with it, but now I think she was in shock. Or denial. She hasn’t talked about it since that night. I don’t think she real y understands.”
    “Wel . . .” Ms. MacTraugh gave an understanding nod. “Parents have to go through their own coming to terms process. Whatever you decide to do is okay. We each come out in different ways at different times in our lives. As I said, only you can determine what’s the right decision.” Jason bit into a nail, wondering what was the right decision.
    He glanced at the wal clock and realized he’d be way late for practice.
    Coach wasn’t thril ed by his tardiness. But when Jason said he’d been talking with Ms. MacTraugh, Coach let him off with fifty push-ups.
    After dinner that evening Jason tried doing some homework. But Ms. MacTraugh’s words about being true to yourself and honest with others kept interfering.
    Final y he tossed his pen aside and headed to the kitchen. His mom sat at the breakfast table, wearing her red plastic drugstore reading glasses, writing checks to pay bil s.
    “Do we have enough money?” Jason asked.
    “Honey, let me worry about that. You focus on school, okay?” She peered over her half frames. “Finish your home work?”
    “Taking a break.” He poured a glass of water and drank some, leaning against the sink. “How are we going to manage without dad?”
    “Oh, we’l make do.” She tore out a check. “I reminded him about the mortgage payment when we talked this morning.” Jason nearly choked. “You talked with him?” He’d assumed they weren’t speaking. “What for?”
    “Because he has two children to help support.”
    “Hah. He doesn’t care.” Jason sat down at the table, moving aside Melissa’s coloring book. “At least not about me.”
    “Wel ...” His mom ran her tongue along an envelope. “He can’t just walk away.”
    “Yeah? He already did.”
    Unwil ing to argue, his mom glanced toward the counter. “Can you grab the stamps? How was school today?”
    “Okay.” Jason handed her the stamps. “There’s something I want to talk to you about.” He took a sip from his water, preparing himself. This would be the first

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