Long Way Home by Carolyn Gray

Free Long Way Home by Carolyn Gray by Carolyn Gray

Book: Long Way Home by Carolyn Gray by Carolyn Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Gray
Tags: LGBT Suspense
prepared for the battle dance, his
    eyes had lit his entire face, his whole body becoming animated in that restaurant booth. Even
    though Lee hadn’t been sitting close enough to touch Gev, he had felt the power in the dancer’s
    body rippling through him as he described to Nick in detail how he had first learned to do the
    various leaps. Nick had been enthralled.
    So had Lee.
    He forced the thoughts of Gev out of his mind. He and his companions would soon be on
    their way to catching their flight, and he wouldn’t see Gevan again. He stared at his luggage
    waiting by the door and made up his mind.
    “Morning, Lee,” Mutt said as he joined them at the car a half hour later. Mutt frowned.
    “Where’s your luggage?”
    Nick came around the side of the car. “We need to hurry, Lee. Have you not checked out
    “No. I’m not going.”
    He braced himself for the negative reaction, but to his mild annoyance, Nick didn’t look
    surprised at all. “Told you,” he said to Mutt.
    “Told him what?”
    Mutt closed the trunk. “He figured you would want to stay awhile.”
    Lee looked upward. The rising sun had started to lighten the sky. “Just been a while since
    I’ve been here. Talking with Gev made me curious to see how things have changed.”
    Nick walked up and gave him a spontaneous hug. “No problem. Still coming to Durango
    after you’re done reminiscing?”
    “Of course,” Lee said, surprised.
    “Just making sure. Why don’t we take a taxi, then, Mutt? Leave Lee the car?”
    “Good idea,” Mutt said. “I’ll go take care of getting one. Save us some time too.”
    Lee took the keys and pocketed them. “Sure it won’t cause a problem?”
    “Nah,” Nick said, waving the air with one hand. “Marisa will deal with it. She’ll gripe, but
    that’s okay. Not like we don’t use the same company all the time. Don’t worry. Want her to fix
    the flights for you?”
    “Not yet. Guess this one can’t be canceled.”
    “No big deal. Have fun, and maybe eat some Mexican food for me. Never got to.” He
    “I’ll bring back some tacos,” Lee said.
    Nick brightened. “That would be…soggy, though. Don’t worry about it. Maybe some good
    salsa. That would be incredible.”
    Mutt emerged from the hotel at a trot. “Taxi’s around the corner. Open the trunk, will you,
    “Oh. Sure.” Lee popped the trunk open, and Mutt took out his and Nick’s luggage, then
    slammed the lid shut as the taxi arrived. He took their luggage over and helped the driver put the
    luggage in the back of the car.

    Long Way Home

    “Well,” Nick said, turning back to Lee. “Seriously, have fun, relax. I’ll let everyone know
    you’ll be back in a few days.”
    “It might be a little longer,” Lee found himself saying.
    “No problem. Be sure and be there by the seventeenth. Gotta measure for our tuxes then.”
    Two weeks. “That’ll be enough. Probably be there before then.”
    “Good.” Nick stuck out his hand.
    Bemused, Lee shook it. “What’s up?”“
    Nick released his hand. “For everything.”
    Mutt called out, “Gotta go, Nick.”
    “In a second.” He turned back to Lee. “For everything, for always being there, for being so
    helpful in finding me.”
    Lee appreciated Nick’s earnestness. “I’d do anything for you guys. You know that.”
    Nick punched him in the chest. “And us for you, you dolt.” Lee felt a small stab of guilt.
    But only a small one. Mostly he felt relief. It was good, he realized, that he no longer had to hide
    that part of his life. “I know now that must’ve been hell on you, fucking difficult as hell,” Nick
    “It was. But it was worth it.”
    “Yeah, definitely. I’m worth it.” Nick ducked away as Lee popped him on the arm. “Hey,
    I’m fragile!” he said, laughing. Then he sobered. “I mean it. Be careful out there. Going back can
    be really tough on the memories. If you need anything, call.” He pulled out his

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