Ottoman Brothers: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Early Twentieth-Century Palestine

Free Ottoman Brothers: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Early Twentieth-Century Palestine by Michelle Campos

Book: Ottoman Brothers: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Early Twentieth-Century Palestine by Michelle Campos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Campos
Tags: kindle123
    As with any project spanning many years from inception to completion, my book has benefited from the help of numerous institutions and individuals. My debt to them is enormous.
    This research project received generous support from: the Fulbright Commission in Israel, the Social Science Research Council, the Palestinian American Research Council, Stanford University (the School of Humanities and Sciences, the Institute of International Studies, and the Taube Center for Jewish Studies), Cornell University (the Department of Near Eastern Studies, the President's Council for Cornell Women, and the Society for the Humanities), and the University of Florida's Department of History. I thank in particular Ross Brann, my former chair at Cornell, and Joe Spillane, my current chair at UF, for their tremendous support for my work, in the form of travel grants, course reductions, and valuable writing time. My research for this book was also greatly facilitated by numerous librarians and archivists in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, France, and the United States, and I thank them for their invaluable assistance.
    Over the years my work has benefited immensely from the feedback and aid of scholars, colleagues, and friends, including: Butrus Abu Manneh, Iris Agmon, Ida Altman, Joel Beinin, Hanna Berman, Johann Bussow, Linda Butler, Holly Case, Sherman Cochran, Brett de Bary, Louis Fishman, Haim Gerber, Eyal Ginio, Magdi Guirguis, Kim Haines-Eitzen, ‘Awad Halabi, Jessica Harland-Jacobs, Peter Holquist, Avigail Jacobson, Pieter Judson, Erdem Kabadayi, Reşat Kasaba, Dilek Akyalcin Kaya, Vangelis Kechriotis, Sarah Kovner, Gudrun Krämer, Sheryl Kroen, Jacob Landau, Mark LeVine, Joel Migdal, Montasir al-Qaffash, Richard Roberts, Aron Rodrigue, Avi Rubin, Kent Schull, Samir Seikaly, Seteney Shami, Sarah Stein, Salim Tamari, Baki Tezcan, Patricia Woods, and Mahmud Yazbak. My sincere thanks to all of them for their time and generosity, their insights and references, and their gentle criticism. I also thank Israel Gershoni and Charles Kurzman for their close readings of this work and for their enthusiastic support of the project. I am also extremely grateful to my editors at Stanford University Press: Kate Wahl, for believing in this project as well as for her keen eye and valuable feedback, and her very talented assistant, Joa Suorez; and Mariana Raykov, for shepherding it through the various stages of publication with good humor and a great deal of patience and skill.
    Spanning debts both professional and personal, my heartfelt thanks go to Shana Bernstein, Shira Robinson, and Celka Straughn for their constructive feedback on this project as well as their overall intellectual and emotional support during the past many (!) years of my life. Thanks also are due to Celka for graciously and reliably procuring various newspapers and pamphlets for me from the Harvard Library over the years.
    Finally, it is only fitting that I thank my family. My mother, Rosita Buendia, and my father, Sergio Campos, placed a strong emphasis on the life of the mind and gave us all freedom and support to follow our dreams, even though mine always took me so far from home. My siblings Yvonne, Sandra, Suzette, Adam, and Linda have given moral, material, and logistical support throughout the difficult years of study, research, and writing. Tamir Sorek has read and discussed more versions of this book than I'm sure he cares to remember; he has been a tireless intellectual sounding-board and critic who has strengthened my work immeasurably. I thank him for this, but more importantly, for the rich life outside of the text that we share with our sons.







Reference Matter

    Archival Collections
    Arab Studies Society (Orient House) (Jerusalem)
    Archive of the Alliance Israélite Universelle

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