Belong to You
kissed me again, sucking my tongue and taking control of the kiss. I really thought I could come from just the way he kissed me.
    Everything about him turned me on; from the way he took control when he kissed me to the way he demanded I look into his eyes 137/408
    while he pleasured me. The thought that he was turned on by watching my reaction to him made me wild.
    I wrapped my arms around his wide shoulders and dug my nails into his back. I needed more. He nibbled his way from my mouth to my shoulder, licking back up to my ear. “You are so beautiful, Syd. I want to watch you come.” I wrapped my legs around his back, desperate for friction. His words brought me so close and I needed him inside me.
    “Please” was the only word that I could get out. At that moment, I would have begged for him if I had to.
    He took a long breath in and exhaled deeply. “Not yet.” His hand slid down my torso. My body was damp with desire. “I don’t want to hurt you, you’re so tight.” He slid one finger into me and I writhed beneath 138/408
    him. Two pumps of his hand and he easily slid a second finger into my slickness.
    I let out a small moan as his fingers stretched me open and my head relaxed back. As he pushed into me with two fingers, his thumb found my swollen clit. My hips pushed up, begging for more. “That’s it babe, make yourself feel good.” I lifted my hips and pushed against his fingers, stroking and pushing them in and out of my wet body.
    His thumb increased the pressure on my clit as his fingers rubbed in and out, finding a sensitive spot inside of me. My body arched to his touch and he withdrew his fingers slowly from me and brought them to my mouth. I licked the juice from his fingers and he let out a feral growl.
    He positioned himself on top of me and I lifted my hips, desperate to have him inside of me. “Slow and sweet babe, slow and sweet.” He said with a raspy voice as he 139/408
    slowly pushed into me. His green eyes were dark gray and dilated and I knew he was having as difficult of a time going slow as I was, but he wouldn’t allow himself to lose control.
    I gasped as he pushed deep inside of me. He was so thick and long. His eyes were full of lust and emotion, but he refused to allow them close. The connection between us was intense and we were lost as we watched each other as he slowly pushed in and out of me, filling me to the hilt and drawing almost all the way out. His rhythm was slow and restrained and I watched his face struggle to keep the control with each deep thrust.
    A deep moan escaped from my throat as my pleasure ratcheted up to new heights. His face tensed with my sound and I knew he couldn’t hold his control much longer, but it felt so good and I didn’t want it 140/408
    to end. I tilted my hips up as he thrust down and circled into me, penetrating deeper than he had ever been. He buried his face into my neck and kissed his way from my shoulder blade to my ear as he swiveled his hips, grinding his big rock hard cock into me. “Come for me baby, I want to watch you.”
    His words pushed me over the edge and my body exploded in pleasure. I climaxed in a relentless spiraling orgasm that had me calling his name over and over as it tore through me. My eyes unconsciously closed as I succumbed to the waves rippling though me. “Eyes.” I opened my eyes to his demand, Jack watched as it took over my body and melted me to the core. He quickened his thrusts and whispered “Fucking beautiful” as I felt his body tense and pin me in place when he came long and hard, filling me deeply.

    As we both came down, his thrusts slowed to a leisurely pace and he kissed me sweetly. “I’m sorry about last night.” He said softly, as he pushed an escaped piece of my hair back from my face.
    “You didn’t do anything to be sorry about.” It was true; he hadn’t really done anything wrong, yet I understood why he was apologizing.
    He looked into my eyes, searching for something,

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