Shea: The Last Hope

Free Shea: The Last Hope by Jana Leigh

Book: Shea: The Last Hope by Jana Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana Leigh
them familiar. Griff wound his way through the street and finally came to a house built on the back part of the land. His house and yard butted up to the tall wall that surrounded the property.
    The house itself was a sprawling ranch style, and it was huge. The outside was made of a combination of logs and stone, giving it a rustic feel. The landscaping was beautiful with its small ponds that held fish, lush grass, and indigenous flowers. All-in-all, he was surprised it was a bachelor's home.
    When they walked in the front door, he wasn’t surprised to see the inside was the same.
    Neat and tidy, decorated in a rustic western look with a rock fireplace he could imagine laying in front of during one of the normal snow storms that came to Colorado. The colors of the furniture were rich chocolate browns and wooden tables.
    "The kitchen is this way," Griff said and led the way through the large home. The kitchen was in the back and had a marvelous view of the mountains. He looked out at the patio that ran along the back of the house. He could see there was at least one other sliding glass door that led out to the back; he wondered if it was Griff’'s bedroom.
    The kitchen was done in brown marble and stainless steel appliances. Griff opened the refrigerator and pulled out fresh veggies and some meat. He began preparing what looked like a succulent steak that would be smothered with freshly sautéed veggies.
    He felt his stomach grumble and sat down at the table. "Beer?” Griff asked him.
    Lev nodded, Griff pulled two beers out of the fridge and opened them. He went back to the meal preparations, and Lev watched him. "So, mates," Lev said, and Griff laughed.
    "Yeah, I thought that freaked you out a little. I just wanted to get it out there. So what are you thinking?” Griff said and popped a pepper in his mouth.
    "Well, I gotta tell you, I was freaked out. I told you that I wasn’t really comfortable around shifters," Lev said and Griff nodded.
    "I get that. And I better tell you now, what kind of shifter I am, because I’m not exactly the usual wolf or cat. My parents weren’t the same species, first of all. They went against the grain, took a lot of shit about it within their families. That’s why we moved here. So they wouldn’t have to be shunned. With Argus's Pride, they were able to finally be in the open," Griff said.
    "So, what are your parents?” Lev asked curiously.
    Griff blushed and lowered his head. "My father is an eagle, and mother is a lioness."
    Lev stop to think and then he felt the light bulb come on in his head. "Shit, you’re really a Gryphon!"
    Griff nodded and said, "Yep, not too many people know that, so I would hope for now you would keep that to yourself. Argus knows, and I am going to the Alphas soon and let them know. Usually when the parents aren’t the same type of shifter, the children take after one parent or the other for their shift, and the blended features come out more in their human form. Gryphon's are kind of the exception to that rule, or at least it seems to happen more with this particular mating."
    "That is so fucking cool," Lev said and then paused. "Sorry, I got a little excited there."
    Griff laughed and then turned on the grill that was in the middle of his island. They talked and got to know each other, not mentioning the mating yet. Lev was still not sure how this was all supposed to work. His father said to play it by ear, and he was trying, but the anxiety was getting the better of him. By the time that Griff placed a plate in front of him, he was ready to break.
    "Mating?” Lev burst out.
    Griff looked at him in surprise and then laughed. "Yeah, we’re mates. I knew it when I saw you."
    Lev snapped his fingers and said, "The first figure you gave me was a Gryphon."
    Griff nodded and then laughed. "I carried that around with me until I met my mates. I knew I would give that to them when we met. I still have the matching one to give to our other mate."
    "Wow," Lev said

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