Fabric of Fate

Free Fabric of Fate by N.J. Walters

Book: Fabric of Fate by N.J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.J. Walters
Tags: David_James Mobilism.org
admit, as fantasies went, this was an excellent one. What woman didn’t fantasize about having two handsome hunks in bed, attending to her every need?
    She was free to indulge her every whim. And why wouldn’t she . The first part of this dream had been a complete nightmare. The memory of the storm sent a shiver down her spine. That experience had been terrifying. She was due for something good.
    She looked at Heroc and then back to Abrah. They both waited, but she could feel the tension vibrating from both of them.
    Audrey took a deep breath and took the plunge. “Yes.”

Chapter Five
    Abrah didn’t want to think about Audrey mentioning the tapestry and the implications surrounding it, but he was not one to back away from the truth, no matter how distasteful it was. His dream last night had been real, a precursor to her arrival.
    If the legend of the tapestry stayed true, and there was no reason to believe otherwise, they had only three days to convince Audrey to stay with them. Then the tapestry would appear and she could go back home if she chose.
    She would go back home. Abrah didn’t delude himself to think otherwise. Why would she want to stay in their world? The cold season did not exactly show Javara at its best. The frigid, rainy weather would most likely prevent them from taking her outside the keep. They weren’t rich men by any means. Oh, they kept themselves and their people fed and warm, but there weren’t funds for anything frivolous. Other tapestry brides had gone to much larger castles and keeps, ones with more wealth.
    All they could offer Audrey was themselves, a roof over her head and a full belly. Not much for such a prize. She was so beautiful she could have any man she wanted. Why would she stay here?
    But he would try. For Heroc’s sake.
    And he was lying to himself. He desperately wanted her to stay. If he closed his eyes he could still picture her lying in the dirt, wet and cold and exhausted, struggling to crawl one more step. Such courage, such bravery was to be admired.
    From his dream, he knew she was a beautiful woman, generous with her passion, holding nothing back. He wanted to know everything there was to know about her.
    Deep in his soul, Audrey was quickly becoming an overwhelming need. A piece of him would leave with her when she returned to her home and he wasn’t sure he’d ever recover from the loss. He’d found her. They’d found her in the storm and brought her home and she belonged to them.
    Time was already slipping away and the tapestry would soon be returning for her. Abrah knew she did not believe this was real, not yet at any rate, knew he should not take advantage of her confused state. But he knew he would. There simply was not enough time to waste.
    He gave in to his growing frustration and sexual hunger and kissed her. Not the gentle touch he’d given her earlier. No, this was a kiss of claiming. He was the conqueror and she was his prize.
    He tasted her sweet lips before slipping his tongue inside the warm cavern of her mouth. He groaned when her tongue touched his, tentatively at first and then bolder. Her hand slipped up his chest, then his neck, chaining him to her. He could have told her there was nothing that could make him leave her, but that would have meant breaking the kiss, which he wasn’t ready to do. Not yet.
    He ran his fingers over her delicate features, learning them, committing them to memory. Already her face was so very familiar to him—her soft skin, perfect nose and full lips. Her thick hair was drying into thick, silky curls. He twined one around his finger, loving the way the fine hair wrapped around it, clinging to his skin.
    He wanted everything from her. He wanted to hear her scream his name as she came, to feel her cunt clasp his cock in her hot, wet heat, to have her beg him to take her.
    Determination flooded him. He was a fighter and he’d fought many battles in his lifetime. He’d won many and lost some, but he’d never

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