The Jewels of Warwick
all with
    necklaces—pear shaped diamonds suspended on gold chains of varying
    lengths—the longest with the biggest diamond for Sabine, and
    gradually smaller sizes for the girls. They presented the King with
    a solid gold replica of the key to Warwick Castle's main gate
    mounted on a plaque depicting the Warwickshire arms of the bear and
    ragged staff.
"This represents our eternal gratitude for granting us this land,
    your grace," Sabine told the King upon presentation of the key.
    "Warwick Castle will always be your home as it is ours."
He gracefully accepted the gift, kissing Sabine's hand.
The rest of the day passed by in a blur of merrymaking but one
    moment did stand out in her mind.
"God willing, we shall meet again, Lady Amethyst," Henry said, as
    the retinue prepared to depart for London the following day. He took
    her hand as she curtsied, his bejeweled cloak a sweeping flash of
    glitter as she dipped down and back up again.
"I look forward to it, sire." She tried to keep the quiver out of
    her voice as she spoke. She wanted to say more, but he'd already
    moved on, for there were many goodbyes to be said, and when the
    castle emptied of the retinue, her heart plummeted and hit a bottom
    as hard as the stone floor on which she stood. This brief taste of
    court life had been her most magnificent experience ever. It was a
    life she longed for, a life she had tasted once and felt she could
    never get enough of or tire of. When would she ever get to make such
    joyful music with such talented people. And when would she ever get
    to see the King again?
"So you met Henry then?" Topaz said with a disinterested air as she
    and Amethyst watched Edward chase a butterfly through Warwick
    Castle's rose garden. They hadn't seen each other since just before
    court visited the castle at Christmas.
Edward was now a spirited, energetic three-year-old, looking like a
    miniature adult in his blue breeches and doublet, tiny gold buttons
    marching down his little breast and her heart turned over at how
    regal and adult his bearing had become in only a few short weeks
    since she had last seen him.
"Aye, he was just fascinating. A marvelous dancer, superb musician,
    so easy to talk to..."
Topaz stopped in her tracks and pushed a lock of hair off her
    forehead. "He talked to you?"
The warm breeze stirred the soft fragrance of roses and Amethyst
    peered through the cedars to watch Edward rolling in the grass,
    yanking clover out of the ground, chewing on it and spitting it out.
"Aye, we had a lovely chat. We even played music together, in the
    conservatory, just the two of us."
"How cozy." Topaz caressed the petals of a rose. "What could he
    possibly have found to talk with you about?"
"We talked about music mostly. His love for music is even greater
    than mine. We had a musical afternoon. We harmonized beautifully
"Aye, so I heard the King has been known to harmonize with many
    ladies, but not necessarily in the musical sense," she sneered.
"The King's private affairs are none of ours," Amethyst said. "He is
    a modern man. He told me we should marry for love."
"Hah! That's a joke! Only because he wishes he will someday."
"Why? Do you not believe he loves the Queen Catherine?"
"Surely you jest, Amethyst. He marries his brother's widow for an
    alliance with Spain and he has the gall to talk about love! There is
    some gossip that he isn't even legally married to Catherine, she
    being Arthur's widow."
"Oh, Topaz! Where do you get such absurd ideas?"
"'Tis a well-known fact. The Pope erred in granting them a
    dispensation to marry. Therefore, they've never been married in the
    eyes of God. He is a bachelor and the Princess Mary is a bastard,
    just like his son by that whore Bessie Blount."
Amethyst gasped, staring in disbelief at the cocky grin on her face.

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