Drantos (VLG Series Book 1)

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Book: Drantos (VLG Series Book 1) by Laurann Dohner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurann Dohner
not.” Anger deepened his voice. “The Vamps were attacking Lycan women. They violated them by controlling their minds, and then their bodies. A war broke out between the two. A lot of Lycan men died but it gave the women a chance to flee. A group of them—some who were pregnant and others who had already birthed half-breeds—ended up in Alaska, since there were no major human towns here at the time. Vamps need humans to feed from. They can survive off animals but I’ve heard animal blood tastes like shit to them and weakens them over time.
    “The Lycans and VampLycans were safer here, but we still broke into four clans in case the Vampires were able to track us. It was about survival. They wouldn’t be able to take us all on at once and it would provide time for the others to flee if one clan was attacked. It helps keep our numbers in check too. It’s how we stay under the radar, by monitoring the size of our population so we don’t draw attention to ourselves, and what we are. Humans just see our clans as small towns, not a threat to them.”
    Dusti held her tongue. Drantos paused, licked his lips, and took a few breaths. The anger eased from his striking features.
    “The survivors soon discovered a clan of Gargoyles in the area. They’d fled Europe to avoid being hunted by Vampires, humans, and others of their kind. They were dying out. Gargoyles tend to breed more boy children than girls. They had so few women of their own kind that they’d fight to the death at times, killing each other to gain access to one. They needed women to breed with and the survivors of the war didn’t want another fight, this time with Gargoyles. They had lost a lot of their males already.”
    “I’ve heard enough.” She just wanted him to stop. None of it could be true. She didn’t want it to be.
    “I’m telling you the truth.” Drantos paused. “Imagine a bunch of frightened people in a desperate situation. Many of the Lycan women had been raped, in mind and body, and had birthed children sired by Vampires. These women had lost fathers and brothers who’d died fighting to give them time to escape. Some had lost their mates. They were vulnerable, so some of their single women offered themselves to the Gargoyles. They formed a new alliance. The Gargoyles swore to live side by side with us in peace and to help fight any Vampires who came after us, if the need arose to defend the clans. We had the common enemies of humans and Vampires.”
    “But according to your crazy story, the pregnant women were about to birth Vampires. Some had already. You said they were enemies. At least try to make sense.”
    “The Gargoyles were willing to become allies with the half-breeds because they were desperate for the full-blooded Lycan women to breed with. Our clans are linked by bloodlines, but only on the Lycan side. Gargoyles and Lycans had GarLycan children. The children born in our clans are VampLycans. Half Vampire, half Lycan. Over a hundred half-breed children made up the first generation of our new clans. They frightened the pure-blood Lycans. They were stronger than them and had inherited some Vampire abilities. A vast majority of the Lycans not mated to Gargoyles left when those children started to mature and those traits began to show.
    “Your grandfather is a first-generation VampLycan, Dusti—and after he matured to adulthood and took over his clan, he didn’t agree with how the clans were split into four. He’s power-hungry and believes there should be one ruler, one clan. He wants the GarLycans to help him take out the other clan leaders and anyone else who opposes him. He plans to start a civil war.”
    “Didn’t the Gargoyles take off too when these super half-breeds grew up, if they’re so scary?”
    “No. The Gargoyles were dwindling until they mated with the full-Lycan females. Their children born from that alliance filled their clan to a strong number. Aveoth is a half-breed who leads his own clan. They consist

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