My Wicked Valentine (Club Wicked 1)

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Book: My Wicked Valentine (Club Wicked 1) by Ann Mayburn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Mayburn
Tags: Contemporary, BDSM, Erotic Romance, multicultural
Let me let you in on a little
secret. When you get married at eighteen, you really don’t know shit about
shit. In this case, you got manipulated by a cheating, evil skank who wanted
your money more than you. You’ve got to let it go, honey.”
    “You’d feel different if it happened to you, if Mike had an
affair.” She flinched, and he felt guilty for hurting her. “Look, I’m sorry.”
She still looked wounded, so he gave in and told her the truth. “I’m on edge because
I have a date with her tonight, and I’m a little stressed about it.”
    “That is so cute!”
    He stiffened and glared at her. “What?”
    “You’re nervous about a date because she actually means
something to you.”
    He wanted to deny it, but lying to his twin wasn’t easy.
“Maybe.” He was also unsure about his self-control around Lucia. She brought
out the beast in him without even trying. He planned on not giving in to his
desires and making it all about her pleasure. That way he would keep himself
out of it and just focus on her. Yeah, once this party was over, he’d be able
to walk away without any strings attached, leaving her with good memories and a
better understanding of herself. Some lucky Dom would snatch her up, and Isaac
would continue on with his life, alone and once again in complete control of
his life and emotions. Shit, even he had to admit that made him sound like a
cold fucking bastard.
    Lucia deserved better than what he could give her.
    “I just don’t want to hurt her.”
    “Then don’t. Give it a chance. If something happens,
awesome. If not, well, isn’t that what you want as well? It sounds like a
win-win situation.”
    “If only it were that easy.” His cell phone vibrated on the
corner of the desk, and he glanced at the incoming call. It was from Lucia. “Hold
on one sec.”
    Moving a little too quickly to be casual, he picked up the
phone and answered the call. “Hello, Lucia.”
    “Hi, Isaac. I’m still at Laurel’s dress shop. This place is
amazing! I mean, seriously, it’s like stepping into the costume warehouse of a
major Hollywood studio. She said that she is going to dress me for tonight and
wants to do my hair and all of that. Like I’m her Latina dress-up doll.”
    He heard Laurel laughing in the background. “Tell her I
don’t share my toys.”
    “I’m not repeating that. Oh, and can you bring some dinner
with you?” Laurel said something in the background, and Lucia laughed. “She
said you need to wear your leathers. Okay, I have to go. I’ll see you in a few
    “See you then.” He hung up and turned to find his sister
smirking at him. “What?”
    “You should have seen your smile when you answered that
call. Was that her?”
    “I have some work I need to take care of. Why don’t you go
to the spa, my treat?”
    She laughed and gathered up her things. “Fine, fine, I’ll
go. But I want you to know you can call me if you get nervous. And I would like
to meet her at some point. You know, if she lasts longer than two weeks.”
    He glared at her as she left. Gloria made it sound so easy,
but it wasn’t. Not only did he not want to get hurt again, but he didn’t want
to hurt anyone else. His ex had done a number on him in the brief year they’d
been married, and it had taken him a long time to heal. Now that he finally
felt whole and happy with his life, he didn’t want to complicate things. And Lucia
would definitely complicate them.
    Yep, he needed to stay as far away from Lucia as he could.
    That goal lasted him all of about three seconds before he
picked up the phone and ordered dinner for the three of them. His refusal to
fall in love also didn’t stop him from leaving work early and going to his
house and changing into his jeans and a T-shirt. He even grabbed the bag
hanging in the closet containing his leathers, imagining her pleased reaction
at seeing him fully in his role as her Master. And it didn’t stop the
anticipation at seeing her again that

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