My Wicked Valentine (Club Wicked 1)

Free My Wicked Valentine (Club Wicked 1) by Ann Mayburn

Book: My Wicked Valentine (Club Wicked 1) by Ann Mayburn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Mayburn
Tags: Contemporary, BDSM, Erotic Romance, multicultural
she picked up a slice of peach with her teeth.
    She was determined to get a kiss from him tonight to figure
out what he intended for her. Lightly sucking on the peach, she unzipped her
catsuit until her breasts were about falling out. With a slow arch, she turned
and tossed her hair over her shoulder. Isaac gripped the blanket with both
fists, and his body seemed to thrum with tension. His big cock certainly
appreciated her display. It filled out the front of his slacks, and she almost
growled with need.
    Good Lord, put a cat face on her, and she turned into some
kind of kinky sex beast. She’d like to blame it on the champagne, but since the
moment she’d met the man, her body had cried out for her to take him. To be his
and to make him hers. It was irrational, stupid even, considering his repeated
statements about not wanting a relationship, but she wanted him more than she
wanted air. Somehow she should be able to keep her heart out of this, to keep
it just physical between them.
    His blue eyes blazed as she neared, but he held up his hand.
“Take it out of your mouth and put it between your breasts.”
    Flushing, she hesitated and removed the peach. Keeping her
eyes down, she traced the fruit along the side of her neck, the side still
tingling from his kiss, and pressed it between her breasts.
    “Now, go sit on the edge of the fountain, but don’t lose the
    She cocked her head and raised her eyebrows, but he gave her
a cool, almost impassive look. It seemed like the more they played the more focused
he got. Goodness, what would it be like to have his attention totally on her?
What would it feel like to have a man touch her who keyed in to every nuance of
her body?
    Pressing her arms against the sides of her breasts kept the
fruit in place, she zipped up the top a bit more and let go of her breasts.
Isaac stood, and some trick of the light hid half his face from her in shadows.
“Lie down.”
    She cleared her throat but complied, stretching out on the
wide marble shelf surrounding the fountain and enjoying the cool breeze of the
mist. As she stared at the figures from this angle, she started to sit up.
“Hey, this statue—“
    Her words cut off as he slid one arm behind her back and
licked his way down the side of her neck, following the trail of the peach. Lust
flamed through her body, and she ached for him. She wanted to taste him, smell
him, be his. With a low growl he rasped his tongue over the top of the fruit,
and he slowly ate it from the valley between her breasts.
    She clutched him to her, unashamed and desperate in her
need. His laughter vibrated against her skin as she tried to guide him to a
    With one deft move, he lowered her back to the fountain’s
wide ledge and pinned her hands above her head. “You don’t get to decide what I
do, Kitten.”
    “Okay, seriously, if you don’t do something, I’m going to
die right here, right now, of unfulfilled lust. I’ll haunt you for the rest of
your days.”
    He grinned and shook his head. “No wonder you like Chloe.
You’re both more than honest when riled.”
    She closed her eyes and counted to ten. “Isaac, will you
please make me come?”
    “You suck.”
    “I know, Kitten. But I want to take things slow, to savor
you. When you rush, you miss all the good stuff.” He helped her off the edge of
the fountain. “Besides, I promised you an orgasm with just one kiss, and I
intend to deliver.”
    “It had better be the best damned orgasm I’ve ever had, or
your face is going to be between my legs quicker than you can blink.”
    He wrapped her hair in his hand and pulled her forward, his lips
moving against her ear as he spoke. “Kitten, believe me when I say that doing
what I tell you instead of what you think you want will be far more pleasurable
than you can imagine.”
    Her scalp tingled as he released her hair, and she took a
step back and sighed. “I’m tired, and I’d like to get some sleep if you aren’t

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