Uncrushable (Forehead Kisses #3)

Free Uncrushable (Forehead Kisses #3) by Abby Reynolds

Book: Uncrushable (Forehead Kisses #3) by Abby Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby Reynolds
watched him. “I like it when you’re jealous.”
    “You do?” He turned to me, warmth in his eyes.
    “Yeah, I like the way you claimed me, making sure he knew I wasn’t up for grabs.”
    He released a breath. “Good. I’m glad I didn’t make you mad.”
    “Make me mad?” I asked incredulously. “Every girl on this campus wants you but you only want me. And you want every guy to know I’m yours. Believe me, I’m not mad.”
    A light blush moved into his cheeks. “I’m glad you see it that way.”
    I moved closer into his side. “I do.”
    His hand left mine and moved around my waist. Then he pulled me into him and kissed me on the cheek.
    My skin burned as soon as his lips pressed against me. The affection he gave me was enough to make my body increase twenty degrees in a few seconds. It felt so good that I bit my lip, unsure why.
    He pulled away then grabbed my hand again, walking with me. “Hungry?”
    No. “Yes.”
    “Okay.” His thumb brushed over mine while he pulled me beside him.
    I was in heaven.
    We reached the cafeteria and walked inside. Mexican food was on the menu today, just like usual. It was hard to find anything else in Southern California. But I didn’t mind. I loved it.
    “Enchiladas?” he asked.
    He remembered . “Sure.”
    “Take a seat and I’ll get it.”
    He was being a perfect boyfriend all over again. “Okay.”
    He dropped my hand then got in line.
    I sighed happily then walked to a table by the window. Things seemed to be getting back to normal. I knew Liam wouldn’t have warmed up to me if I hadn’t made some progress. I guess going to the fight and not jumping to conclusions when I saw Theresa at his house really helped. Although, I still didn’t know what his relationship to Theresa was. But I wouldn’t be stupid enough to ask at this point.
    I surveyed the tables around us and noticed a thin brunette laughing with her girlfriends. The high-pitch giggle strained my ears because I knew whom it belonged to. Lo and behold, Adrianna was sitting just a few feet away.
    Just looking at her made me want to slam her face into concrete. I wasn’t a violent person and didn’t have violent tendencies, but I really wanted to yank her hair out and cause her misery. All she had done since Liam became mine was sabotage our joy and happiness. Someone needed to put her in her place. Since Liam was too much of a gentleman to be too aggressive, I’d have to do something about it.
    Liam headed toward our tables carrying the trays. I was glad we were right in Adriana’s view. She could see we were back together and nothing she could do would keep us apart.
    Liam put the can of soda in the center of the table. “Coke?”
    We always shared one because neither one of us wanted all the sugar. “Sure.”
    He sat down, oblivious to Adrianna and her gang of broads.
    I knew I couldn’t rush Liam by being physical with him. If he were ready for that, we would have done more than just sleep the night before. So, I reached out and placed my hand on his knuckles, stroking the worn and weathered skin. “Thanks for lunch.”
    “My pleasure.” He pulled his plate toward him then grabbed a fork.
    When I glanced at Adrianna, she had a noticeable scowl on her face. She looked like she just inhaled something sour. The taste was making her nauseated. Her fists clenched tightly, clearly displease by what she saw.
    Take that, cunt.
    Liam studied my face. “What are you looking at?”
    I turned back to him. “A whore.”
    He cocked an eyebrow because I never spoke like that.
    When I glanced back at Adrianna, she was marching to our table, livid.
    She stopped in front of Liam, her hands on her hips. “You’re with her?”
    Liam didn’t flinch when she came to his side. His hand holding the fork remained steady. “I’ve been with her.” He didn’t look at her, his eyes focused on his plate or me.
    “All she’s ever done is hold you back.” She was talking so

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