Watch What Burns

Free Watch What Burns by Kirsty-Anne Still

Book: Watch What Burns by Kirsty-Anne Still Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsty-Anne Still
hands still roaming her body.
    “No, we’re about to do it in the cove,” he corrected her, and smirked as her eyes sparkled at him. “I know how you love doing it here, Aus.”
    Giggling she pushed him back. “I do, but not when your daughter, my brothers, and your sister are on their way.” She watched the realization dawn upon her husband’s face. “She’s three; I don’t want Grace to start asking about the birds and bees quite yet.”
    “You’re right,” Tyler chuckled at the thought. He would rather not have to broach that subject today.
    “Just lay with me,” she requested of him.
    Tyler smirked. “Okay, Sunny.” He then lay beside her, no longer covering her body, and rolled onto his back. He turned his head to face her, kissing her when she turned to look at him. He then accepted her snuggling into his side, the sea breeze rushing across the shape their bodies made.
    Allowing the silence to wrap around them, Austin found momentary solace. Here in her husband’s arms, the freedom surrounding them, she knew no harm would come to them. Their life was set in stone, and their only enemy was locked up. She had to somehow let the shadow that Natasha cast go, and enjoy what she did have - the life she yearned for.
    “I’ve got something I want to ask you,” Tyler broached a new subject, both of them still looking up at the calming sky. Neither was willing to move, but both were more than eager to strike up conversation.
    Looking to her husband, she gave him a curious look. “What’s that?”
    “What do you say to upping our numbers?” Tyler asked suddenly, breaking into the silence they had made. He felt his wife move in his arms, twisting to look at him, “I think it’s time Gracie got a brother or sister. Three years of practicing is enough don’t you think?”
    Austin broke into a massive smile at the thought and answered, “I think it’s time you got a perfect clone.”
    Releasing a heartfelt chuckle, Tyler nodded. “I do too, but I would love another mini you. Gracie is perfection, but imagine three of you.”
    “If that’s what you want I’ll start counting you for gray hairs now,” Austin quipped and felt Tyler draw her closer as she teased him. “In all honesty, I would like us to be settled again.”
    “Like we were this morning?” Tyler asked, his tone flattening as he let the thought sink in.
    “Yeah,” Austin pushed the word out. She wanted a ton of children with Tyler, enough to make their house so filled with laughter it was willing to explode, but she had reservations unlike before. “I want to extend our family. I know it’s time, and I love that you know it is too, but just after all of the stress is done. I can’t deal with Natasha and be pregnant. It scares me far too much.” She sat up, nervous all of a sudden. “I want nothing more than to make our family grow, Tyler. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, but I can’t do it when she is continuously there.”
    “I get that, I do,” Tyler said, sitting up to be by his wife’s side. “I wanted us on the same page. I think we managed that don’t you?”
    “Yeah,” she whispered, her eyes suddenly watering on her. “I do want another child, Tyler. I so want that.”
    “Well then, I say we set in motion ways to stop Natasha,” Tyler told her, his tone holding conviction and confidence. He was going to be going to the office first thing in the morning and restricting any and all contact Natasha could possibly wrangle. He was not going to jeopardize his life for someone who would rather tear it apart than embrace it. “I will make sure you’re pregnant before Christmas.”
    Austin giggled loudly at that. “Oh yeah?” she quizzed him sarcastically. “That’s still six months away. Sure that’s enough time to play bad cop and sort out our little dark patch?”
    “I doubt I’d even need six hours, baby,” Tyler teased back, leaning forward to place his forehead to hers, staring into her eyes

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