JUMP (The Senses)

Free JUMP (The Senses) by Cindy Paterson

Book: JUMP (The Senses) by Cindy Paterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Paterson
she’d been imagining it. “I cannot give you what you seek, Delara. You know this. I made it clear that night. I will never love again.”
    “Yeah, and I was ever the fool to think that maybe that one night would change your mind. Well, I’m not a fool anymore, Pez. I’ve grown up and I’m stronger. So be angry. Throw a tantrum and hate me for what I did and will do again. Because I want love. I want something you can’t give, so I will find love elsewhere.” She wiped the tears away with the back of her hand. The lies poured out and she knew he was uncertain whether her words spoke truth. She felt him pushing at her mind, but she managed to keep her thoughts blocked. Not this time, Waleron. You can’t hurt me again.
    She wanted more. A hell of a lot more. Truth, passion, the ultimate giving between two people. He had all those qualities within him, somewhere deep in his black heart. She’d seen his laughter, his gentle touch and his teasing. The only time in her life that she felt truly alive and happy. Then it all shattered to pieces. With one caress of his hand across her cheek , he’d told her that never again would they be together.
    She’d been so foolish to believe.
    All those years she’d hoped and prayed Waleron would come to his senses, but he never did. And his coldness had seeped into her like a leech, sucking out her heart and pulling her under so she couldn’t breathe. If she stayed near him without his love any longer she’d become like him, cold and unfeeling.
    The deal he made with Trinity had been the last straw. To stand in front of him, Trinity at his side , and know that he would spend the week within her seductive arms—it had killed the last shred of hope she had for them. If he had one ounce of compassion for her, he’d never have made that bargain with that witch Trinity. So she had left wounded, bleeding and alone. Jedrik had been devastated, but facing Waleron after he . . . no, she couldn’t.
    “We need you,” Waleron said.
    He said we. Not I need you. Screw that. “I returned to help with the issue of Balen . . . and then I will leave again.” This was the only way.
    “You are a great warrior, Delara. You can’t keep running.”
    “Yeah, watch me. Watch me walk away and I swear I won’t look back. And you know why? Because I’m over you. I’ve healed, Pez. You mean nothing to me and I won’t stay under your control again.” The lies tumbled out, unable to be stopped. Hate him, Delara. Break his blasted heart. But no, Waleron didn’t have a heart, did he?
    She turned on her heel, her heart hoping that he’d call her back, her common sense knowing that he never would. He wanted her close to him but he refused to love her.
    Please call out to me . Please stop me. Love me like I know you can. She kept her head high, her tears back, as she walked into the shadows of the night. His voice never called, his stance never moved a muscle.
    And she never looked back.

Chapter 4
    Damn him, Danielle fumed as she walked down the sidewalk the next evening. Selfish bastard had chosen to run away instead of explaining what the hell was going on. Well, screw him. She stopped at the red-and-white post indicating a streetcar stop.
    She was going to find out what happened if it was the last thing she did. She ’d sat around for two years being haunted by flashes of memories—well, that time had ended. With or without help she was going to discover the truth. Someone had to remember something and give her a lead. The first place she intended to check was the hospital.
    It took twenty minutes of sucking up, two twenty-dollar bills and tear-filled eyes to find out the name of the nurse who had attended her two years ago. It took another fifteen minutes to discover where she was working in the enormous hospital. Luckily, a candy striper knew exactly who Nurse Susan was and what floor she was currently on.
    Danielle took the stairs to the fifth floor , as riding the elevator

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