Howl at the Moon

Free Howl at the Moon by LeTeisha Newton

Book: Howl at the Moon by LeTeisha Newton Read Free Book Online
Authors: LeTeisha Newton
You need to react, even with another man touching you, tonight. Clyde won’t think it is real if you don’t.”
    “Another man touching me? You didn’t tell this man I’d go to bed with him!”
    “Even if I did, he wouldn’t take you up on it. Stephen is my type of man but he acts and can come across as the manly man. All gays are not fems, okay?”
    “Understood. I’ll just dress here,” Tatiana said, pulling up the slacks under her robe. They slid on her flesh like silk. She bit her lip against a moan. She shouldered off the robe, turning her back to Aaron and pulling the corset to her chest. She gasped then, her nipples still sensitive.
    “You did a very good job. I bet you’ve never touched yourself.”
    “I have toys, Aaron.”
    “Toys are not hands. You know how many women don’t actually know what the inside of their vagina feels like? They have toys too. This is about you coming into your own. Clyde with recognize the look. He’s seen you this way. As far as he’s concerned, your date just had you before walking into the restaurant. That’s what we want. Jealousy and the chase are is the things that are going to get him. Women have evolved through the centuries. Men…not so much.”
    “You’re right.” Tatiana laughed as Aaron pulled and tugged on the strings until the corset was secure and her breasts were riding the top, nearly ready to spill.
    “Now, put on your belt while I go get your makeup. After that, we’ll get your hair squared away, with Stephen’s help.”
    “Why yes, darling. I’ll curl it a little, but he’s going to mess up all of my good work with his fingers.”
    “Just-got-out-of-bed look. Aaron, you are so bad.”
    “Why of course, and hopefully I’ll make you the same way.”
    About a half an hour later, after arguing the whole time with Aaron, her makeup was done. He had been determined to pack her face and Tatiana just couldn’t handle it. She was a simple and enchanting kind of girl. Curling iron in hand, Aaron was huffing his way through her hair when the doorbell rang. He put the curling iron down and opened the door. Tatiana couldn’t see Stephen behind him until he turned. When he did, her jaw dropped.
    Hey, a girl could look.
    Saying Stephen was handsome was a severe understatement. He was sexy, in a rugged way. He wasn’t soft and prissy, nor was he so gruff you couldn’t stand to look at him. At least six foot three, the man was slightly taller than Aaron. His reddish hair was accented with strands of gold and brown throughout. It was too perfect to have been done in a salon. You just couldn’t get that kind of wine color with money. His eyes, a green as an emerald, shown with mirth as he took Aaron in his arms and gave him a big hug. His chiseled features softened into a generous smile when he turned to Tatiana.
    “You must be Tatiana. It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Stephen. I understand I’m helping you with guy problems tonight?”
    “Yes,” Tatiana answered, picking her jaw up of the grown and laughing. No one could feel uncomfortable looking at someone who looked that good.
    “I, for one, will be happy too. It’s been too long. Have you finished with her hair, Aaron?”
    “Just about,” Aaron responded, picking up the curling iron again. Tatiana was happy that she had the micros. The small braids were let out to hair after about an inch of braiding. From far away it looked like she didn’t have braids at all. Still, she didn’t have to do the work on her hair if she didn’t feel like it. She’d had her hair styled more with Aaron’s arrival then she had in a long time.
    “Have at it, Stephen,” Aaron said after a few more minutes. Stephen walked up to her. When he stepped up to her, his chest grazed her nipples in her elevated chair. He claimed the space between her parted legs, his scent, woodsy and clean, enveloped her. It was tantalizing. He pushed his fingers through her hair over and over, caressing

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