Pleasure Principle

Free Pleasure Principle by Brenda Stokes Lee

Book: Pleasure Principle by Brenda Stokes Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee
woman he planned to eliminate. Now , though Teddy was a self- professed ma le whore he actually was a very tender hearted man. The last thing he wanted was to have any woman hurt or degraded by the selection process. So he isolated each one of them and spent some quality time with them. It was only fair just in case his sixth sense was off, although it rarely failed him.
    On target as usual his sixth sense had accurately isolated and identified the fakes, the gold diggers, the bisexuals and the drunks. Yes, the bisexuals. Now of course Teddy didn’t have a problem with their sexuality, but he was looking for a wife and the mother of his children. He had no intention of sharing his woman with anyone , not even another woman . He didn’t want an open relationship and realized that he had some but not all of the necessary equipment to satisfy them . S o , he decided to simply avoid all of the inevitable drama and confusion by cutting his losses before feelings became involved . Besides they were being secretive about their sexuality and masquerading as heterosexual. This deceitful act alone was grounds for elimination in his mind. So, he crossed five women off of his list.
    Teddy was an occasional, extremely light drinker. Actually he never drank liquor. He was a professional athlete and he valued his health and his brand . So, he did not drink, he did not smoke and drugs with w ere absolutely out of the question. On the rare occasions he chose to drink he would have a beer or t w o with his boys .
    Naturally, there was no way he was g oing to compromise his integrity , values and lifestyle by marrying a woman who had no self- control. Therefore s everal women were immediately eliminated , because they felt the need to get their drink on and fly higher than Chinese kites . In all fairness it was a cocktail mixer and everyone pretty much was having a drink, but these ladies had become inebriated in a matter of an hour. They literally camped out at the bar and kicked back shots like Prohibition would be reinstituted in any second. Again Teddy was committed to find ing the mother o f his children if nothing else, so sorry but the ir unscrupulous, drunk asses had to go.
    Finally we come to the fake ass , lay on their back do anything for the dough , gold digging hoes . Not to say that quite a few of the other women previous ly deleted weren’t gold diggers, but these ladies were straight up professional gold diggers. Poised, polished and primed to relieve Teddy of his pot of gold, these leprechauns in stilettos were the perfect pick for any unsuspecting, naïve multimillionaire . Now as extraordinarily fine and charming as Teddy was these women could have cared less. 
    You see they weren’t as concerned with the opportunity to marry Teddy as they were with the chance of having his baby. Teddy’s sperm in a fertile , young womb was as good as a winning Powerball Lottery ticket. And these ladies were licking their lips and wringing their little hands for their lucky chance to cash in. S exy, vivacious and as fine as Arabian sand these women played it cool and close and literally smothered Teddy with their sexiness. Although he was captivated by their snake like charm and loving every single second of their stellar performance, he knew the agenda of these money grubbing vipers and frankly Teddy wasn’t having it.
    Within four hours the young women were summoned to the impressive great room of the huge mansion as Teddy, Icee and Kai compared notes and decided their fate. Fifteen women had to go that was sure. However, Teddy was hell bent on sending nine teen home. Unfortunately he couldn’t find but six women that fit his criteria. The producers begged him to reconsider but Teddy would not budge an iota on his decision.
    In all fairness Teddy made a valid point. If the show is truly about finding love then why would the producers attempt to force him to date women he ha ve no interest in. The problem was that the show was

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