The Muse and the Fairy Tale (New Hampshire Bears #1)

Free The Muse and the Fairy Tale (New Hampshire Bears #1) by Mary Smith

Book: The Muse and the Fairy Tale (New Hampshire Bears #1) by Mary Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Smith
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Genre Fiction, Sports
been wrong. Marshall was her true soulmate.
    He began to kiss her neck and her perfume made his cock twitch. He knew she was worried about their age difference, but he was going to make sure she would have no more doubts about him.
    He loved her.
    He wanted her to love him in return.
    He kissed down her neck as he fumbled with the buttons of her blouse. Becky shivered as the silk fabric tickled her arms when Marshall pushed it off.
    I paused because it was about to get graphic.
    “Keep going.” Kyson cleared his throat.
    I adjusted myself in my seat as the pressure between my legs built.
    “Meadow.” I could hear the seduction in his tone.
    I started reading again.
    Marshall’s cock twitched as his hands reached for her bra clasp. Becky’s nipples grew harder as he aimlessly tossed it aside. He drew her closer to him as he maneuvered them to the bed. First, he suckled her nipple and then worked her thong down before he started removing his clothes. He inserted into her with a gentle push.
    “Oh my God, Meadow. This sounds like instructions for putting together an IKEA bookshelf,” Kyson laughed.
    “It isn’t like that.” The smile on my face was from his joke.
    “Yes, it is. Meadow, I’ve read four of your books, and you’ve done great sex scenes. What’s the problem now?”
    “Um…” How could I say the words?
    “Say it.”
    “I usually pull from personal experience,” I confessed softly.
    “Ah, so you have been tied up then?”
    “Yes.” I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn’t see me. “It was a guy I was seeing when I finished college.” I came clean.
    “What’s the problem here then?”
    “The truth?”
    “I’ve never been with a younger man,” I declared.
    “This book is about us, isn’t it?”
    “No. I started this book before…us.” Are we an us ?
    “But, I’m the muse, right?”
    “Technically, Yes.”
    “And this Becky wants the fairy tale, right?”
    “Yes,” I exhaled.
    “Then it is us.”
    For a long moment, there was silence. He was right; I’d turned this book into us. I’d used what I thought Kyson would be like and do to me in the book. I’d done it without even thinking.
    “Meadow, since I’m the muse and Marshall, I think I should help you with this part.”
    “How so?” My voice cracked.
    “You said you’ve never been with a younger man, but I’ve had older women.”
    “Let me tell you how I would take care of Becky.”
    My heart pounded against my chest. I released a slow breath.
    “I would have taken Becky to the bedroom. She wouldn’t have led me.” His voice was low, carnal, and passionate.
    He is really going to do it.
    “Slowly, I would work her clothes off. Each time I undo a button, I kiss your…her…skin. When the shirt slips off, I would turn her around, and as I undid her bra, I would gently bite at her shoulder, making her nipples hard. I would remove her bra and caress her breasts, still nipping her shoulders.
    “I would gently drag my fingers down her chest and stomach until I reached the top of her jeans. I’d pop the button and drag them off, leaving her in her panties. I’m hoping it’s something black and lacy.
    “While I was still behind her, I would, over the lacy thong, toy with her clit, hearing her moan my name.”
    I was breathing a bit heavier, and I was itching. Itching to touch myself and relieve the pressure I felt between my legs.
    “Do you want me to keep going?”
    “Yes,” I breathed without thinking about anything else.
    “Meadow, are you touching yourself?” His voice was raspier than normal.
    “You want to, don’t you?”
    I moaned and moved around my seat, trying to find a comfortable position.
    “Do it, Meadow. Let me hear you as you touch yourself.”
    “Are you?” I panted.
    “I am.”
    I licked my dry lips and reached under my yoga pants and thong. I thought of Kyson slowly stroking himself in the hotel room.
    “Do you want me to keep

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