Wrong Kind of Love

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Book: Wrong Kind of Love by Amanda Heath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Heath
chairs. It was annoying at first but I have grown to love it. I didn’t even have this with Justin and I’m honestly in love with it.
    The day after Jaden kissed me, he came to cheerleading practice. Claire thought he was there for her, but afterwards he grabbed my hand and walked me to my car. There he asked me if I wanted to grab dinner with him. I wanted to say no but I know that I had to move on. I refuse to be one of those girls who pines after someone. My pride is too high for that.
    Jaden took me to Medranos , which is a Mexican place right off of campus. I kind of think he wanted us to be seen together. Everyone eats there, it’s cheap and close at hand. I didn’t fret on it though. He didn’t seem to care that everyone was looking at us. He was concentrated on me the entire time and I’m kind of sad to say that I ate it up. Even after sleeping with Caden twice, I don’t know much about him. I know that his art is his life but that’s about it.
    Oh and the fact he likes to tie his women up. Don’t want to leave that out.
    Jaden actually wants to get to know me. He doesn’t pressure me to have sex. In fact he hasn’t done much besides kiss me. I’m not complaining though because the guy can kiss. Every time our lips meet, my freaking toes curl. My nipples get hard and I find myself breathless. The slut in me just wants to take him up against his freaking car. It’s one big game of foreplay.
    I feel guilty though. So fucking guilty. When Teagan is gone from the room, and I get the urge to get off, I think of Caden. Jaden never even crosses my mind. Who thinks about their boyfriend’s twin brother while masturbating? This slut right here. There has to be something wrong with me. Jaden is damn near prefect and Caden…isn’t.
    Teagan couldn’t be happier. I don’t know if it ’s because she is seeing Declan behind her brother’s back or if she’s just happy I’m taking the heat off of her by distracting Jaden. I told her Caden and I met in the cafeteria. The lie came off my lips easy enough but then again my new life is all lies. It’s getting harder and harder. Plus more depressing. While I wouldn’t have dumped food on Caden’s lap like I said I did, it was still funny. I hate lying to her but there’s no way around it.
    I told her on the first day we moved into the dorm that I came from a small town in southern Arkansas and that I wanted a fresh start because my ex-boyfriend ruined my life. Which is far from the truth. I don’t know if I had much of a life to ruin. I gave up everything to protect my secret. And what for? To leave and never look back. I refuse to be the girl that I was. I might have resented Grace in the beginning but now I think I love her. She let me become someone I’m proud of.
    Grace is beautiful, poised, kind and loveable. I am none of those things. I wish I was but I never will be. She’s not real and never will be. I find that thought sad because the world should know Grace. She’s just that great.
    “You look deep in thought.” Teagan says as she comes into the room.
    I nod and smile a little. “I am.” She probably thinks I’m thinking about her brother but really he’s the furthest thing from my mind.
    “Well I know you said you weren’t going to go home fo r Thanksgiving…” she trails off. “Okay I’m just going to spit this out. Would you like to come to my house for Thanksgiving?” she smiles sheepishly at me.
    I fight a chuckle at the look on her face. Poor girl. I give her my Grace smile. “I would love too. Thank you for asking.” I get up off the bed where I have been lying since my classes ended. I cross the room and give her a tight hug.
    Teagan might not have anything in common with Grace but she tries anyway. I think I will love her for the rest of my life because of it. She pushes away and smiles. “I know you have this weird thing with Caden but I couldn’t let it go unless I asked you.”
    “There is nothing going on with Caden.

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