Wrong Kind of Love

Free Wrong Kind of Love by Amanda Heath

Book: Wrong Kind of Love by Amanda Heath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Heath
have the wrong idea.” He reaches his hand out towards me, “My name is David and I’m happily gay.”
    I’m so stunned that I reach out and shake his hand. “Caden Harper.” I say softly.
    “I know who you are. Grace has told me about you and Jaden. It ’s nice to finally meet you.” He smirks down at Grace whose cheeks are flushed. Whether from embarrassment or anger I don’t know.
    “I’m sorry that I came over her e…all pissed off and shit.” I state meekly.
    David nods before looking down at Grace. “I got to go bab e. Call me later.” He gives me the same wave before he starts walking down the street.
    The air around Grace and I gets thick with tension. Now I feel really dumb for running over here acting like a jealous boyfriend. “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions.”
    “You’re damn right you’re sorry. I can’t believe you just did that! What the hell is your fucking problem?” she screeches shoving my chest hard with her tiny palms.
    Shock ed by her show of violence I blurt out, “I saw you with your hands all over that guy and I got crazy. Okay? You make me fucking crazy!”
    Then my angel gives me a shrug. “The feeling is mutual buddy. Now if you’ll excuse me I have better places to be.”
    I grab her wrist before she can get away. “Grace , I really am sorry. I know you think I’m an asshole and most of the time I am, but I wouldn’t intentionally hurt you.”
    Her eyes go wide and she whips around until that damn index finger is poking me in the chest. Hard. “You did hurt me you son of a bitch. I laid everything out at your damn feet and you didn’t want anything to do with it. I’m done being your little plaything. I don’t want anything to do with you.” She extracts her finger. “Get a fucking life.”
    I run after her before I can stop myself and spin her around. I place my forehead on hers and breath e in her heavenly scent. “You were never a plaything, Grace. You were always something special to me. If I can’t have you, then I’m happy to let my brother have his chance. You are something to be cherished and revered. He will do that.”
    Her blue eyes stare into mine with something I can ’t name. It’s amazing though. I wish I could have her everyday looking at me like that. I feel as if my life would be complete. “I don’t want him as much as I want you. He can’t hold a flame to how much I want you. Don’t throw me away for him. He would understand.”
    My hands land on her hips bringing her closer. I know it ’s wrong and I shouldn’t be touching her at all but I can’t help myself. “No he wouldn’t. I would give up a shot with you just so I don’t hurt him.”
    Her hand comes up and slaps me and I feel my head whip back. What is it with this girl and violence? “Shut up! Every word out of your mouth hurts me. Just stop hurting me! I can’t take it anymore! I’ve had enough pain in my life, I don’t want anymore from you.”
    This time when she storms off I let her. Standing alone in the street I wonder if it was all worth it. Grace and I could have had something. It would have been brilliant and beautiful. I let it all go for the love of my brother. As far as I’m concerned blood is thicker than water.

    When I wake up the next morning I hear Jaden banging around in the kitchen. I came straight home last night , but I couldn’t fall asleep for hours. All I could do was picture Grace in my mind and it only made me feel worse.
    I climb out of my bed and head out to get some coffee. Jaden is sitting at the little table with a full cup of coffee sit ting in front of him. I give him a nod before reaching up in the cabinet for a cup. When I finish I join him at the table. “You look happy this morning.” I state grumpily. I don’t think I will be happy ever again.
    He smirks before taking a sip of his coffee. “I heard you met David.” Jaden laughs when I cringe.
    “Did she tell you everything?” I question softly.
    “Yeah. I

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