Something More

Free Something More by Jenna Tyler

Book: Something More by Jenna Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Tyler
of course. Unless you have other ideas?”
    I blush. “Uh. Dinner is
what I was hoping for.” Just the slightest sexual innuendo from him and I need
a fresh pair of panties. Smiling back at him, I try to hide the panic I'm
feeling. I do not want to cream myself and embarrass the both of us in public.
    The driver gets out and
opens our door. Drew exits first, then he offers his hand to help me out of the
car. I step out and quickly make sure my dress is where it should be. I don't
need to show the restaurant my soaked goods. He takes my hand and places it in
his arm and we start into the hotel. I look up at him and he looks happy.
Comfortable. Proud? Maybe. I smile and he looks down at me.
    “What?” he asks.
    “You look happy.”
    “That's because I am. I
am walking in with the most gorgeous woman on the planet.”
    I blush. “Well, I
wouldn't go that far,” I mutter.
    “Oh I would. I definitely would.”
    As we approach the
restaurant part of the hotel, the hostess greets us as soon as we walk in. “Good
evening, Mr. Chambers. Your regular table is waiting. Right this way.”
    “Thank you,” he says.
    “Your waiter will be
with you momentarily, sir,” says the hostess.
    He pulls out my chair
for me, and then sits across from me. “Thank you,” he says again to the
    “Your regular table?” I
ask. “Do you eat here often?”
    He looks at me with a
twinkle in his eyes. “Yes. Most nights, actually. I don't cook and usually have
business dinners here.”
    “Must be nice. Not to
cook, I mean,” I murmur, a hint of jealousy in my voice. I've had to get used
to cooking for just myself and I'm not a great cook to start with. I can handle
basic things, but I'm no Rachael Ray.
    “It's not preferred,
but a man needs to eat. When I am home, I have someone who will cook for me if
I ask them to,” he states, casually. Hmmm. A mystery woman? A booty call?
Inquiring minds want to know.
    “ Someone ?” I
ask, with a slight edge to my voice. Why not just blurt it out, Bec? I
didn't mean for it to sound like that.
    He smirks at me. “My
house manager. She takes care of everything in the house. Laundry, cleaning,
and sometimes cooking.” Oh. That makes me relax a little. He senses my relief
and chuckles. “Jealous already, Rebecca?”
    That catches me off
guard, but I recover quickly. “Just want to know who my competition is,” I say
smartly, a proud look plastered on my face. He grins just before the waiter
walks up to our table. Drew orders some wine for both of us without asking me
what I want. When should I tell him that I'm not much of a wine person? I
snicker internally.
    The waiter scoots off
to fetch our wine and I look at Drew with a smirk. “What are you smirking at me
for?” he asks.
    “I'm not a big wine
person,” I say to him. He mouth drops open, slightly.
    “You should've said
something. I will get you whatever you want.”
    He starts to signal the
waiter back over, but I stop him. “I will try it first. If I don't like it, I
will order something else. Okay?”
    He smiles and relaxes. “Okay.
    “Can I ask you something
kind of personal?” I ask.
    “Sure. Anything,” he
    I look down, nervously,
acting like I'm fixing something on my dress. I glance back up at him. “With
you being in the public eye and Portland's 'most eligible bachelor', why did
you show me affection out in public? Surely you don't do that often, if ever.”
He frowns just a little. A small crease forms between his eyebrows.
    “Actually, no. I've
never done that before. But I no longer care about that, at least not when it's
with you. I want you and everyone else to know that I want you to be mine and I
want to be yours.” My eyes blinking in disbelief, he continues, “In my mind, I
am off the market and no longer a bachelor. I will chase you until you agree to
be with me. Exclusively.”
    Smiling, he reaches
over and gently lifts my chin up to close my mouth. Dang it . Open-mouthed
again .

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