Heavenly Lover

Free Heavenly Lover by Sharon Hamilton

Book: Heavenly Lover by Sharon Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Hamilton
Underworld School For Bad Boys?”
    Josh’s eyes widened. Three deep forehead creases appeared. He tilted in a subtle bow. “Very good, little one. I like the fire and spirit in you. So then, tell me your name.”
    “Nice. I like it. I think you can keep it, for now.”
    “How did you find me?” Claire curtly asked, ignoring his implication.
    “Hard to miss the big yellow taxi with the only redheaded cabbie I know.”
    This annoyed her. She felt vulnerable being so easily spotted by this dark angel. “What do you want?” Claire knew it was impossible to mask her fear. She didn’t think he could read her mind, but knew he felt her fear.
    “You.” He smiled. His eyes became translucent and she could see traces of red light coming through again. Claire looked down to avoid his eyes, unsure of his powers. Josh reached across the little table and raised her chin with his thumb and forefinger, causing a warmth that blotched the skin at her chest. “Now, now. I’m not here to hurt you. There’ll not be a scene. I’m curious about you.” He smiled and released her.
    Claire wasn’t used to the mixture of emotions. Her pulse quickened. No doubt he observed this. Her frustration was tinged with a bit of anger that she worked to stuff down. She could see how Josh had manipulated Daniel so skillfully. Appearing as friend when he actually was the enemy.
    Feeling unprotected being alone with him, she was grateful for the surrounding crowd. After considering all her choices, she thought it best to let him deliver his communication, anticipating it would be some kind of threat. Then he might leave her alone.
    “May I?” Josh pointed to the hot chocolate. “I mean, I know you girls don’t drink or eat.” His knowledge of angels both impressed and frightened her. Her insides were scrambled.
    “Help yourself.” She barely got the words out. But at least her voice didn’t waver.
    He leaned back in his chair, inhaling through his teeth in a kind of reverse whistle. “Don’t ever tell me that, Love, if you know what’s good for you.” He smiled, and shaking his head, he leaned forward for the warm mug of chocolate. He sucked in the whipped cream off the top loudly, leaving a white moustache on his dark and handsome face.
    Claire wanted to look away, but something held her gaze as she watched him remove the whipped cream from his upper lip with his tongue. He dabbed his mouth with a napkin and waved his eyebrows up and down, playing with her.
    “I saw you thinking about tasting it. You’re not supposed to, but you want to drink and taste, don’t you?” He looked with that tilt of the head again that would seem so innocent on someone not so devious.
    I should have known better, been more careful. Why couldn’t I sense him before?
    “Do you think He would mind if you just had one little taste?” He pointed to the heavens and shrugged. “I don’t think so.” He held out the mug. It was still steaming, and the rich chocolate fragrance filled her head.
    Claire steeled herself. She would need to overcome her emotions. Time to show him what she was made of. She’d resist, even if he liked it. Sounding more determined than she felt, she said, “I have no interest in what you think. I don’t care anything about you. I want you to leave me alone.”
    “Ah, yes. Well there is that, too,” he said as he raised his eyebrows and smirked at the subtle rebuke. Holding the mug to his lips, he paused. “I admit. I am an acquired taste.” His face jerked back after taking a sip. “Ow, too hot, even for me.” He blew over the top of the drink with enough force to push back the hairs at the sides of her face.
    The effect of his breath on Claire’s face startled her. Her eyelids became heavy and she released her composure, relaxing into the fear. She became dizzy and aglow with sensuality, as though drugged. For a brief second, looking into the dark eyes across from her, she could feel a pull towards him. She

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