A Roux of Revenge

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Book: A Roux of Revenge by Connie Archer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Archer
and . . .”
    “Elias, spit it out, please.” Lucky could feel her face flushing.
    “We had a relationship—yearsago.”
    “A relationship.” Lucky felt her eyebrows reaching toward her hairline. She did her best to keep her tone neutral. “What kind of relationship?”
    “We were involved . . .”
    Lucky felt her heart sink. What was he trying to say?
    “We were planning to be together.”
    “Engaged? To be married?” Lucky was sure her voice had risen two octaves.
    “Yes.” Elias finally looked her straightin the eye.
    “I see. And now you’re working together?”
    “Lucky . . . it’s not like that. It was over years ago. As time went on, we realized we wanted different things in life. Paula was interested in a specialty practice, and I . . . well, you know how I feel about my work here. I love Snowflake. Paula never wanted to leave the city.”
    “And she does now?” Lucky couldn’t keep the skepticismout of her voice.
    “She’s had second thoughts. And to be frank with you, not a lot of what I would consider experienced, qualified people have applied.”
    This explained a lot. The feeling she had when she walked into Elias’s office. The energy in the room. The fact that Paula had been so close to him, almost in a sexually suggestive way. Elias’s embarrassment. She hadn’t misread the signals.

    “I just don’t want you to be upset. I don’t want anything to interfere in our relationship. You know how I feel about you.”
    Lucky felt as if she had been punched in the stomach. “Elias, I don’t know what to say. All this time we’ve been together, you never once mentioned you were ever engaged to anyone. This is all news to me.”
    “We were never officially”—Elias shrugged—“engaged. Wewere close; we just assumed that’s where it would lead.”
    “Did you love her?”
    “I suppose I did. I felt that way at the time. It just dissipated slowly as I realized how different we were as people. It was amicable when we finally broke up. I just hope you’re not upset about this. I’d really like this to work out for Paula too.”
    Lucky remembered the strange car she had seen parked inElias’s driveway the night before when she was searching for Janie. “Where is Paula staying?”
    “Uh . . .” Elias hesitated. “She’s actually . . . uh . . . she’s staying in the spare room at my house until she can find her own place.”
    Lucky stared at him silently. She felt torn between tears and anger. She took a deep breath, not trusting herself to speak at first. “Elias—I’m just reallyfeeling confused and trying not to be upset. First of all, you have never, not once, ever mentioned this relationship that was so important in your life. And now, you’ve actually hired an ex-fiancée, whatever she is, to work closely with you at the Clinic. And she’s staying at your house? How else would you expect me to feel?”
    As the words poured out, Lucky realized she sounded like an insecure,jealous lover, but she couldn’t stop herself. What would the mature response be? The civilized one? That’s fine, I’m glad this is all out in the open? Lucky was well aware of her own temper, and she could feel it gathering strength now.
    “There’s nothing for you to be jealous about.” Elias’s expression was smug.
    “I’m not jealous,” she replied hotly. “I’m just dumbfounded that you wouldchoose to hire her.”
    “Whatever we had was over a long, long time ago, Lucky. We’re friends now.” Elias’s face took on a superior look. “I would have expected you to understand.”
    “And how does Paula feel about you?”
    “She’s great. She knows that we’re just friends. And she really wants to work hard and fit in here—in Snowflake. Her goals have changed. Can you understand that?”
    “Yes,I think I do understand.” Elias, how can you be so blind ? It was obvious to her that, assuming Elias was being completely honest, Paula had another agenda. The fact

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