A Roux of Revenge

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Book: A Roux of Revenge by Connie Archer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Archer
that Paula was staying at his house meant that he and Lucky wouldn’t have that space to themselves. He had to be deceiving himself about Paula’s intent, and his cavalier attitude was making her angrier.
    “I just didn’t want youto feel that I hadn’t been honest with you.”
    Lucky twirled her wineglass around in a pool of condensation that had formed on the tabletop. “Well, actually, you weren’t honest with me.”
    “What are you saying? I’ve never lied to you.”
    “There are lies of omission, Elias.” She stood, leaving her wine untouched.
    “Are you leaving?” He looked shocked.
    “Yes. I’m very tired. I’m goinghome.”
    “Let me walk you back, then.”
    “Don’t bother. It’s not necessary.” Lucky stood and slipped on her jacket. Elias followed suit.
    “I’m walking you back to your apartment. After all, I’m the one who dragged you out.”
    She had no choice. It was obvious he was going to insist. Frankly, she would have preferred some private time to sulk and feel justifiably angry on the way backto her very nonprivate apartment. Elias quickly threw some bills on the table and followed her as she hurried through the pub and pushed through the door to the street. She was silent as they walked along Broadway, passing by the darkened Spoonful. It was just as well Elias didn’t try to make conversation, because she wasn’t sure what would pop out of her mouth next.
    When they arrived at herbuilding on Maple Street, Elias followed her up the flight of stairs to her apartment door. “Lucky, look, it’s obvious you’re upset with me. We should talk about this.”
    She took a deep breath. “I don’t know what I am right now, Elias. I feel . . . disoriented, I guess. It doesn’t make me feel comfortable that Paula is staying in your guest room. I mean, how would you feel if the situationwere reversed?”
    “You mean if you hired a former love from your past and they were staying in your apartment?” Elias was silent for a moment. “Okay, maybe I wouldn’t be thrilled, but I do think I’d have a bit more faith in you than you’re showing me right now.”
    Lucky hated to admit it, but Elias had a point. “I’m sorry. It’s just . . . if Paula were a different person . . .”
    “There’s something about her that just gives me the willies. I can’t explain it.” Actually, Lucky thought she could probably explain it quite well to anyone but Elias. She recalled the slow smile and the movements that reminded her of a cat preening itself.
    “Now you’re being silly.” Elias smiled and leaned down for a kiss.
    Lucky turned her face up to him. The kiss, when it came,felt like a perfunctory action, a necessary chore. It bore no resemblance to the heat and ardor he had shown on her threshold on prior nights.
    “This week will be crazy for me. I’ve got to get Paula acclimated to our procedures. I have three patients scheduled for surgery in Lincoln Falls over the next few days, and all the rest of the stuff that goes on in the Clinic, but I’ll give you a callin a day or so. We can go someplace special for dinner, if you like.”
    Lucky nodded. “Sounds great.” She was glad the light from the hallway sconce was dim. She hoped the worried expression on her face didn’t show. “Good night.” Lucky turned away and slipped her key into the lock.
    Elias hurried down the stairs and out the front door. Lucky leaned over the banister and watched his retreatingback. Damn, Paula , she thought. You don’t fool me one bit.

Chapter 15

    L UCKY HEARD THE front door of the apartment slam as Janie left for work the following morning. She groaned and buried her face in the pillow, unwilling to face the day and embarrassed ather behavior the night before. She felt as if she had carried on the argument with Elias in her sleeping state. She cringed when she reviewed her words to him. As much as she was angry at his comment about her jealousy, she had to admit he

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