Running Blind

Free Running Blind by Cindy Gerard

Book: Running Blind by Cindy Gerard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Gerard
Defense. They’d consider it an act of war, perhaps the first of many acts to come. And they would put all of their resources on it—do you understand? They’d double and triple security on soft and hard targets here in the States, as well as abroad. And that includes the compound where Corbet, at this very moment, is working on the Eagle Claw technology.”
    When he said nothing, she knew she had him considering the wisdom of her “plan.”
    â€œIt would take little time for the Department of Defense to put two and two together and point the finger of blame directly at your organization. Instead, with only one casualty, they are searching for a sniper acting alone, a gunman with an ax to grind, or a random act of violence.”
    After a long silence, he said, “Continue.”
    â€œThey have circled the wagons, so to speak, intent on protecting their own and on finding the person —not the Russian mafia—who dared attack them. My decision has avoided an all-out nationwide state of readiness against an enemy attack.
    â€œBecause of my decision,” she continued, “your team is now free to breach the air base and recover your Eagle Claw technology and your scientist. Occupied with searching for the lone gunman, they’ll never see it coming.”
    And she was now free to pick off the One-Eyed Jacks at will. Free to savor the thrill of the hunter terrorizing the hunted.
    â€œI will relay your report to my superiors,” Vadar said at long last.
    â€œYou do that. And while you’re at it, share this bit of information my source gave me today. If they want to breach that air base, they need to do it very soon.”
    Along with the disappointing news of Taggart and Cooper’s survival, her mole had the one piece of good news that would turn the Russians’ focus away from her.
    â€œDr. Corbet reported today that the technology is mere steps away from completion,” she said. “He cannot stall or withhold the information from the U.S. government much longer. The window of opportunity has grown very short; the project will be complete within a matter of days.”
    â€œHow many days?”
    â€œIf you don’t strike within the next five days, the Eagle Claw technology will forever be out of Russia’s reach.”

    The difficult we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer.
    â€”U.S. Navy Seabees


    7:30 a.m., ITAP Administrative Offices,
CIA Headquarters, Langley, Virginia
    Coop didn’t like the role of temporary team leader. He was a doer, not a paper pusher. Give him some camo paint and his weapons, and drop him into the thick of a Taliban offensive—that was the work that mainlined adrenaline into his system and gave him purpose.
    Since he and Taggart were both senior team members, either of them could have taken over in Mike’s absence. But Taggart, who should have been in bed but had shown up sporting a black eye, wearing a sling, and struggling with a bitch of a headache, clearly wasn’t up to it.
    So as the men gathered in the briefing room the next morning, Coop ignored the burning ache in his shoulder and made additions to the notes about the shooting on the whiteboard that covered the top half of a sixteen-foot-long wall.
    When the scent of Obsession drifted into the room, he didn’t have to turn around to know who’d just walked in.
    â€œShe not only looks good enough to eat”—the scrape of a chair told Coop that Santos had risen—“but she also brings food to feed our hungry souls.”
    â€œI’ve never heard doughnuts referred to as soul food,” Rhonda said with laugh, “but go right ahead.”
    Coop had known she’d be arriving soon. And he knew he had to handle it. He turned around and lifted a hand in greeting.
    She nodded, barely met his eyes, and set the box of doughnuts in the middle of the conference table. Then she sat down and started

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