Love Slave for Two: Reckoning [Love Slave for Two 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Love Slave for Two: Reckoning [Love Slave for Two 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Tymber Dalton

Book: Love Slave for Two: Reckoning [Love Slave for Two 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Tymber Dalton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tymber Dalton
Tags: Romance
satellite. Which fascinated the hell out of the weather forecasters, but it sucked for those of them stuck riding it out and not in a comfy station hundreds of miles from the destruction.
    The only good thing was it looked like they would miss the eyewall. It was set to cross several miles south and east of them, marginally putting them on the “good” side of the storm.
    Not that there was anything good about a storm this size. Coastal communities all the way south to Ft. Myers were reporting storm surges, although not as devastating as the one hitting the Tampa region. Several shots of downtown Tampa showed streets completely awash and flooding reaching past the first floors of buildings.
    They lost cable a little before four that afternoon. It blipped several times before snow filled the screen. Tom turned it off and unplugged the TV and cable box. “Guess we’re stuck with radio.”
    They put the battery-operated radio in the middle of the coffee table. One of the stations was simulcasting the local NBC affiliate’s storm coverage. Everyone gathered around it, listening as the winds howled outside.
    * * * *
    Nevvie took little comfort from the frequent texts she received throughout the day from Tom, Tyler, and her parents.
    We’re fine.
    House fine.
    Don’t worry.
    Incredulous, she looked at that text from Tyler. Don’t worry? That was like asking her not to frakking breathe. Pot calling kettle black? she started to text back before deleting it.
    Getting snippy with him wouldn’t help anything.
    She let Adam talk her and Laurie into playing a video game with him, which at least got the radar off the TV and took their minds away from the storm for a little while. Andrew made everyone lunch and brought it out to the living room instead of having them turn the game off and eat in the kitchen.
    After putting Adam and Mikey down for their naps, Nevvie turned the TV back to the weather. Laurie sat with Harley in her lap, hugging him as they watched.
    “Our house is going to be destroyed, isn’t it?” Laurie softly asked.
    Nevvie didn’t know what to say to her. She was too old for false promises. “I don’t know, sweetie.”
    “We’re in the flood zone.” She pointed to a map being displayed on the screen. The Weather Channel was helpfully uplinking the Tampa NBC affiliate’s satellite feed to the world.
    “You sure you girls want to be watching this?” Peggy gently asked.
    “Yes,” they said in unison. Then they smiled at each other before laughing.
    Even Peggy smiled. “I reckon it’s not real hard to see y’all are sisters.”
    * * * *
    The wind picked up. Tom thought it sounded like a thousand screaming banshees swirling around their house, punctuated by the occasional thud of something hitting one of the shutters. But with the exception of a couple of minor leaks around the plumbing vents, the roof held. He had no way of knowing how many shingles the wind had already ripped off, or how many more they’d lose, but at least the decking remained secure.
    For now.
    For most of the afternoon they played cards and other games, like Scrabble and Monopoly. Tyler made everyone dinner at five. They ate in the living room, gathered around the radio and listening to the newscasters talk about the storm.
    John’s face looked grim. “I don’t expect to find much left when I can eventually get back there.”
    Kelly rested her head against his shoulder, but didn’t say anything.
    “You can stay here as long as you need,” Tom repeated.
    “I wonder how our joint’s doing?” Pete said.
    “You’re probably okay,” Tom said. “You guys have a barrel tile roof. You’ll have some cracked tiles, and your pool cage will be shredded, but the house should be okay.”
    “Thanks for making us stay with you,” Eddie said. “I’d be terrified if we were alone right now.”
    “That’s what family’s for, mate,” Tyler said.
    “The gallery’s gonna be destroyed,” Pete said. He hadn’t

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