9-11: descent into tyranny : the New World Order's dark plans to turn Earth into a prison planet
who were personal friends of John Ashcroft

    to try and get him. One of them called me back and said, “All right, I talked to him. He will call you tomorrow morning.” This was like a month before the (jet aircraft suicide) bombing. The next morning I got a call. It wasn’t from Ashcroft. It was from someone in the Justice Department . . .
    One of his handlers . . .
    Yeah, and I started telling him the situation. He said, “You know, we don’t start our investigations at the top.” I said, “I’d like to talk to the attorney-general because this is vital.” He said, “We don’t start our investigations at the top. Let me look into this and I’ll get back to you.” Well, as I sit here today, I’ve never heard back from him.
    Again, David Schippers, you’re big in Washington. You were the top lawyer who got Clinton impeached. You are highly respected. You know the senators, the congressmen. You’re calling up.
    You’ve got these FBI agents and others feeding you this
    information. They are being pulled off the cases. They are angry. That’s even been in the news in Minnesota and Illinois. They know what is going to happen. The Sudanese in ’96 and ’98 tried to arrest bin Laden for Clinton, tried to give us the names of AlQaeda. Clinton wouldn’t take it. DS:
    He didn’t want any part of it.
    Wouldn’t touch it. So we’ve got all of this developing. We’ve got police officers and FBI on the ground who know who bombed
    Oklahoma City. They’ve got them in custody with blue jogging suits and bomb-making components. They are ordered to release them. All of this is unfolding. 3,500 to 5,000 Iraqi Republican Guard. We know there is a Saddam-Iraqi connection here. They knew this. Why in the world, David Schippers, did they allow this to take place, is the question.

    I’ll tell you something, This is one of the things. To me, it is almost inconceivable, inconceivable, that with the knowledge they had, that they would turn their back. Just assume that they had investigated and gone in after the Oklahoma City bombing as they are doing now. There never would have been an attack on the
    Trade Towers. As a human being, as a former prosecutor, as a lawyer, as a guy who represents agents all over the United States, it is inconceivable to me that those bureaucrats in Washington would turn their back on the obvious for their own purposes.
    And now the World Trade Center complex is absolutely destroyed. DS:
    There’s more coming.
    Now you know that from your sources—I know you represent a
    bunch of FBI agents who are hopping mad, you probably can’t talk about the specifics. You say they are hopping mad. You say you are representing them. Are they getting ready to sue or something?

    (Note: by mid-May 2002, several of the FBI agents represented by Schippers have attempted to go public, but the Bush administration has been successful in pressuring Congress to confine their memos dating from before September 11th warning of Al-Qaeda’s plans to hijack aircraft and to fly them into buildings. Their testimony has been confined to secret intelligence committees, and now the media is focusing on fragments of the giver story of government prior knowledge and involvement in September 11th, thus whitewashing the entire story.)

    They are hoping to. I don’t want to get them into court. I want to get them into the Intelligence Committee, someone who has the authority and the ability to go the FBI bureaucrats and say, “Butt out. We’re going to do this right.”
    I’m sure you’re aware that on the History Channel, they’ve been reporting for years, and its now confirmed, that we had prior

    knowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and they
    allowed that to take place. And now you see the U.N. empowered, the World Court empowered. It looks like the U.N. is going to get to take over the oil supply in Central Asia. The face-scanning cameras were in

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